Holy Crap -- Bare Minerals...
December 3, 2006
Have you ever seen that infomercial about this -- Swirl, Tap & Buff -- method of putting makeup on in powder form?
BareMinerals, my friend, is what it's all about. I bought it, and it works.

On the infomercial it shows how people with any skin type and any skin problem can get a flawless look by just applying a light powder to their skin.
It's free of preservatives, talc, oil, frangrance and chemicals. So pure you can sleep in it.
I have to admit, I love watching infomercials, and always want to buy the items they are showing, but wind up never getting them, b/c I think it's all a scam.
I once purchased the bareMinerals makeup and then cancelled the order before it arrived, b/c I thought that it was a scam. I finally gave in and thought I would five it a try. I ordered it and 3 days later it arrived on my doorstep.
I washed my face completely then put the makeup on. It was amazing. I've never had such a polished look from so little makeup!
It all costs abt $60 not including shipping. The only thing is it doesn't come with lipstick, so use your current.
I have to admit the price is sooo good. My regular Revlon & Neutrogena foundation is soo expensive. $13 a bottle and even though it's oil free, it's a liquid foundation and feels so heavy.
Anyway, I feel like I'm advertising here, and in a way, I guess I am.
It works, I will put before and after pics up here shortly.Labels: december |
posted by Typette @ 3:41 PM |
I tried it too. I think it works pretty well. It gets addicting, and you want your morning fix of those minerals.
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I tried it too. I think it works pretty well. It gets addicting, and you want your morning fix of those minerals.