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I'm baaaaaaaaaack!
April 10, 2013
It's been awhile since I've been here! over 3 years since my last post. (and PS the links don't work anymore either).

I've decided to come back for a little more anonymity. Not that this is an anonymous blog, but my other one is flooded with many family member and neighbor eyes. So, that being said, I don't REALLY have a place to rant and let loose. So glad to be back here, and hoping I can get back to blogging the way I used to.
posted by Typette @ 1:26 AM   0 comments
I've Moved!!!!
February 18, 2010
I've moved over to wordpress. 
Pls update your blog feeds and redirect to : HERE (
posted by Typette @ 11:04 PM   0 comments
Happy Valentine's Day
February 14, 2010
Just wanted to say Hi to everyone and hope you're enjoying you weekend!

Can't wait to see who's going to one-up who today with gifts from their significant other. So far two of my friends on facebook are tied. Diamonds... WOOOO. lol.

I personally, do not enjoy this holiday like most of America, I prefer the romantic stuff to happen on other days... it's sweeter to get gifts for no reason and flowers just because. To me at least. To each their own...

I'm spending the weekend with my husband and niece (so my sister and her boyfriend can enjoy the holiday together). And besides, she's a blast to hang with anyway. We went to Medieval Times yesterday. We went last year too, but she was NOT into eating with her hands. I'm proud to say, she had no problem last night. And she ate like a beast. Who can blame her, their food is friggen delish. Today we are chilling. So glad I have off tomorrow too :)

Mike's gotta work, but that's okay, he'll still manage to get in at least 6-7 hours of gameplay in WoW today.

I'll be working on fixing up my blog so that it's still working after the ftp migration thing-a-ma-jig blogger is doing.

Anybody out there have big plans for today or President's Day weekend in general?
posted by Typette @ 3:28 PM   0 comments
Another GTKM (get to know me) Meme

This is another one of those long surveys with random tidbits about the survey-taker. 

1. How old will you be in five years?
34 years old -- wow

2. Who did you spend at least two hours with today?  

My 6y/o niece, my husband and my two pups.

3. How tall are you?  
Just got measured this week. I'm 5 feet 2 1/4 inches -- officially.

4. What do you look forward to most in the next six weeks?  

Ooooh, some big things, mainly being able to deal with being carb-less (bad carbs at least). Big adjustment for me.
5. What’s the last movie you saw?  

Sherlock Holmes - loved it (Anything with RDJr actually)
6. Who was the last person you called?  

My Viola teacher

7. Who was the last person to call you?

My Viola teacher -- exciting, I know. Chamber Orchestra was cancelled -- again.

8. What was the last text message you received?

My bank balance from ACU

9. Who was the last person to leave you a voicemail?
My Viola teacher -- a great game of phone-tag was had

10. Do you prefer to call or text?
I prefer to text -- and just be done with it. LOL/ unless it's something really complicated

11. What were you doing at 12am last night?

I was sleeping, starting to get to bed earlier and earlier. WOOOO

12. Are your parents married/separated/divorced?
They are divorced and happy :)

13. When is the last time you saw your mom?

Saw my momma yesterday.

14. What color are your eyes?


15. What time did you wake up today?
6:45am, then went back to sleep for 2 more hours -- just 'cause I could

16. What are you wearing right now?
White T-shirt and black yoga pants.

17. What is your favorite christmas song?
O Holy Night - by Jewel

18. Where is your favorite place to be?
At my family reunion -- any place, so long as they are all there.

19. Where is your least favorite place to be?
Sitting in traffic when I have some place to be.

20. Where would you go if you could go anywhere?

I'd like to visit everywhere at least once. My goal is to conquer the US. Do many people do this?

21. Where do you think you’ll be in 10 years?

I think I'll be in NJ still -- just in a new home..

22. Do you tan or burn?

Burn and then tan -- fun

23. What did you fear was going to get you at night as a child?
Spiders -- and they did :-/

24. What was the last thing that really made you laugh?
Last night, my niece was trying to drink some water out of a glass in the dark at Medieval Times... She kept tipping the cup back and couldn't get any water out -- so she turned it completely upside down and spilled it all over herself. I know -- I'm bad. It was weird, but hillarious.

25. How many TVs do you have in your house?

4 regular TV's, and 8 if you include everything else that can be used as one.

26. How big is your bed?

Queen size until we move...

27. Do you have a laptop or desktop computer?

I own both - Mike owns a lot more.

29. What color are your sheets?

30. How many pillows do you sleep with?
1 -- the memory foam type.

31. What is your favorite season?
Spring/Fall - I don't like the extreme seasons as much

32. What do you like about Autumn?
The temperature, the changing leaves

33. What do you like about winter?

I love how snow looks when it's falling and the trees are all covered. I love snow days, when I can't get out of the house to go to work :)


posted by Typette @ 3:00 PM   1 comments
February 3, 2010
Change is good, to some degree... but the changes at blogger annoy me. B/C now I have to do more work on my site just to make sure it shows up for ppl who visit since I use blogger.

Blogger is no longer allowing people to use FTP, which is what I've been using for YEARS...
I have a feeling migrating over to their custom domain hosting is going to be a big pain in the ass. I already own my own domain, and when I try to run it, it says I already have a blog hosted here. No shiat.

Okay, I'm moody today, and finding this stuff out today really doesn't help. Why didn't I know about this in January when it was announced..

I'm SURE the change will make blogging THAT much easier, b/c I do have some .blogspot blogs and they are so easy. Uploading and accessing pics is a whip.

Anyway... Come March 26th, I'll either still be here, or I won't... for a short period of time at least.
Blogger is going to setup a migration tool that is set to come out the week of Feb 22nd, so I wait in great anticipation to see what comes of it.

That's my to bed snookums.
posted by Typette @ 10:28 PM   0 comments
January 30, 2010
our little one is loads of fun, although she can sometimes be a$$.annoying at times, she's still a cutie. <3 her, and here are some more photos...


posted by Typette @ 9:18 PM   1 comments
A Meme about Blogging...

Sunday Stealing: The Pretentious Blogging Meme

(yeah, it's only saturday, but I wanted to get a head start) 

1. How long have you been blogging? I started blogging in 1999 - I was 19.

2. What made you start?
I used to keep a written journal, but felt that it wasn't all that safe -- what if someone found it... (that happened a lomg time ago and it wasn't such a good thing) ... still I thought the risk was worth it b/c I liked looking back on what happened in my life and what I was feeling at the time. It was nice to see myself changing over the years. Anyway, at the time, I had lived with my then boyfriend. I used to get bored watching him play Madden football on whatever game system we had at the time and hogging up the tv, so I resorted to entertain myself with the computer. I started at -- soon after starting my blog, I met some nice people within the LJ community. We used to meetup every night for webchat and became pretty close friends that way. It was like I discovered a whole other life out there. I was interested in reading about other people's lives and they were actually interested in mine.

3. Who inspired you?
No one really, unless my boring ex-boyfriend counts... :-Þ

About how many hours a week would you estimate you spend on your blog? I'd say about 3 hours total. Quick blog entries here and there. And then there are times when I do a redesign (I have to start saving screenshots)... when I spend a LOT more time. 

5. What kind of experience or background do you have with writing?
Only my own personal experience. Nothing professional, can't you tell??

6. Talk about how you come up with blog topics. Where do you get your ideas?
I usually blog about things going on in my life. If I have a thought I want to write about, I do it here sometimes. Photos are fun to write about -- Memes are good too :)

7. What or who inspires you and your blog?
Me and my life!

8. Where and/or how do your brainstorming for your blog?
I do all my brainstorming while I'm writing my post. I don't usually have anything set before I start writing. It's kind of just a really long rambling session.

9. Do you have any blogging rules or guidelines you follow? 
I try to make up rules for myself sometimes, usually as an incentive to blog more often. It doesn't seem to work though. Most things I try to do (like 100 or so words per post for 10 posts. HA!!!) never last. I am trying to use more photos in my posts... b/c I enjoy reading posts with photos, so I figure other ppl who stop by would enjoy those too.

10. Is there anything you will not blog about? 
I try not to blog about my political views. I don't think I ever really have.

11. Do you have any sort of a publishing schedule in terms of day of week or topic?'s pretty random.


posted by Typette @ 8:13 PM   3 comments
January 24, 2010
Let me start by saying that I SWEAR I am working on my desk -- cleaning it, organizing it, etc...

Right now, I sit at my desk ... it's pretty cleaned off. On the floor around me, are piles... piles of stuff that does not belong on my desk or in it... no clue where to put it right now, and I'm tempted to shove it all into a bag that I will forget about for awhile... Ahhh!!!

So, this has been an all day task for me -- b/c I've been watching tv shows and prettying myself up...


Loooove this color, don't know why I've never worn it before!

Ok, photo of my actual desk  to come soon, I rather take an after -- rather than an -in progress- photo... b/c I'm not proud as of yet. Soon enough!

Above is a photo of the piles that were on my desk, now on my floor.
Including the dog... see??

Going to take some more photos of random things to post, b/c photo posts are always fun :)

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posted by Typette @ 7:37 PM   0 comments
Time to de-clutter!
January 22, 2010
It's that time again!! Spring cleaning!!!
I know it's not spring yet, but with the high temps (40's), it sure is feeling like it.

Really, I just needed some justification to help me reason with why I want to clean. I NEVER want to clean. EVER. I am one lazy ass chick. No lies, no exaggerating. My hubby is very patient with me and my ... messes.

My desk, is destroyed. There is literally NO room on it to do anything. I hate it, it drives me nuts everytime I sit down at it. I feel like I get sooo overwhelmed and instead of cleaning, I just ignore it!

Here is the before -- and soon, there will be an after... If I don't post an after pic by the end of this weekend, then send help -- b/c this desk is NEVER going to get clean then.

1 - my computer / on facebook, of course.
2 - Crackers and some Pepsi Throwback - ate dinner up here tonight.
3 - A stuffed dinosaur that Dibs (#6) was mauling. You can see the stuffing coming out of it's head...Poor dino.
4 - My garbage can full of tissues. Gross, I know, but it IS a garbage can, and I had a horrible sickness that lasted about 10 days...This is about 1 days worth of snot-rags. Mmmm. It's done with now, so time to black bag 'em.
5 - A towel... b/c in the morning, after I shower, I come up to my desk to check my email with my hair up. And apparently, I leave my desk with my hair down.
6 - The Dib-ster and her favorite slipper. If you see pics of my house with random socks/slippers laying around, it's her fault. She likes the smell of my feet.
7 - A bag and a wire. I have random bags and wires laying everywhere. Usually I stuff crap into bags and then never get around to going through them. I need to change that. Do I smell a resolution???
8 - Paper towels and some Woolite Oxy Deep Power Shot -- what we use to clean up Dibsy's little accidents. The most recent one was by the desk. Ahh... puppyhood.
9 - Another small desk -- one I was planning on setting up as an arts and crafts table for my niece when she comes over... but it became a catch-all. There's a lot we can do with that little nook -- hmmm.. I'll decorate AFTER I clean .

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posted by Typette @ 11:16 PM   1 comments

This is a pic of my niece, me and my husband.
We went to Dave & Busters with some friends last weekend... had a blast. :)

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posted by Typette @ 7:06 PM   1 comments
Buzzzzzzz.... heh
January 20, 2010
I'm a busy little bee... blogging it - for the record -.

Sundays - Chamber Orchestra Rehearsals - afternoon
Mondays - Pottery (Handbuilding) - evening
Tuesdays - Wind Ensemble Rehearsals - evening
Wednesdays - Viola Lessons (3hrs) - evening
Thursdays - Symphony Orchestra Rehearsal - evening
Fridays - Free!
Saturdays - Free!

Throw into the mix a full time 8-5pm job Mon thru Friday. Practicing (on my own) the viola and alto sax and spending some good quality time with my husband and furbabies. Oh and maybe a few minutes here and there for social networking ...

To be this busy, I am grateful ... albeit extremely tired. 
posted by Typette @ 10:38 PM   0 comments
Mobile blogging

Dear Android,

I <3 U.  Thanks for being there when I really needed you. Like when I'm waiting in line at the grocery store and need a game to play ... like bejeweled. I am addicted to you...i'm an android market shop-a-holic. And you are so affordable...almost every app is free and the ones i have to pay for, are few and far between. For you, though, i dont mind shelling out a few bucks. If it makes our life easier and better together, then im all for it.

And now..a decent blogging app... oooooh how i needed this. You've inspired me to take a more active approach to that part of my life. Social networking is always only an arms reach away from me, everywhere i go....

I <3 U

I also love how i can tether my cell phone to my laptop for internet access on the go and FOR FREEEEE! And... a BIG AND... i can talk on my phone while my laptop is connected ... for that, i thank my network - T-Mobile. Ive been a loyal  customer for almost 8 years.

Here ends my letter to you... **kisses**


posted by Typette @ 11:48 AM   1 comments
January 18, 2010
I thought I'd give this little dozer a try to get back into 'it'.

Instructions: Answer the Current Obession category and then explain WHY you chose that response. Easy enough?

Book: Travels in Alaska - by John Muir. After a recent trip to California and Muir Woods I have become obsessed with this man.

Snack: Golden Graham cereal - dry. Never eaten this cereal before ... my first box, and I'm obsessed. It's amazing with milk, and a simple satisfying snack without.

Restaurant: Right now it's the Montville Diner, b/c they have the best Grilled Chicken Caesar Salad (minus the Caesar dressing) with Balsamic Vinaigrette and the best buttery croutons ever.

Beverage: Pepsi Throwback, they really need to keep this shiznit ON the shelves. Not just for a 'limited time'. I mean, it contains REAL SUGAR!!!

Decor: Japanese stuff. Don't have a lot of it yet, but slowly accumulating.

Actor: Gerard Butler -- ever since 300. And, yes, I must admit ... I'm still on Team Edward :0Þ

Actress: Sandra Bullock has been redeeming herself lately in movies such as The Blind Side and All About Steve...but I'm not yet obsessed. I do enjoy movies with Angelina Jolie, Reese Witherspoon, Katharine Heigl, Kate Hudson & Scarlett Johansson. fav is Nicole Kidman, for years now.

Movie: The Hangover! Ah! A movie that IS NOT a book made into a movie... but if this was ever a Movie made into a Book that would make for a very interesting read

TV show: Glee is AWESOME and so is Cougar Town. My FAV is MadMen!!!

Hobby: Playing music, again. Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursdays I don't make it home until around 10pm b/c of rehearsals...(hence the lack of blogging) I love it though.


Song: Flightless Bird by Iron & Wine -- Been obsessed with this song for MONTHS!

Meme: Eh -- don't have one.

Blog: Kevin&Amanda!! Amanda is soooo creative. I look forward to her new posts everyday, and if she doesn't have one, I'm bummed out. so, yeah, I'm OBSESSED.

Lover: It would be totally wrong if I didn't say 'My Husband'.

Friend: Not obsessed with this friend, but it is the friendship that obsesses me, in a way that I'm in awe of it still, to this day. Though it's been more than 5 years in the making and having met once during that period and still we keep on goin. I'd count her as one of my very best-friends in life....Check out her blog, and make a friend!

Quote: "When we try to pick out anything by itself, we find it hitched to everything else in the universe." - John Muir (of course)

Peeve: Ignorant People!!! I was at the airport a few weeks ago and my husband told me something that really just PEEVED me. He told me that there were these 2 guys that had just gotten off a plane and were walking by laughing and pointing... they were pointing at a man who was on the floor on his knees, praying. What is wrong with people?!

Sport: I enjoy watching Italian Soccer!! But I'm not obsessed, since I rarely ever catch a glimpse when I'm out and don't know what channel it's on at home... LOL

Singer: Jason Mraz... lol

So, I'm on a kick, and going to visit blogs again, and from those blogs I will visit the links on their sites and hop around the bloggernet to find new blogs to follow. I purged my bloglines account of all the blogs that either haven't posted in like 6 months or, that I really just don't care to follow anymore. Time to add some new ones!!! 

Peace out, cub scouts!

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posted by Typette @ 11:30 PM   2 comments
This year...
December 27, 2009
2009 for me, was a year of more ups than downs, however, the downs were 'bigger' than the ups.

I wish I could say it was great.

With the holidays and everything, it's not easy to look back and be thankful.

Mike and family both experienced loss in our families due to cancer.

Mike's grandmother had ovarian cancer and my aunt had breast cancer.

I also experienced a personal loss - In January of this year, I had a miscarriage. It's been something I haven't been able to write about on this blog until today. I fell apart and was a mental mess for months. I feel I can't go on to 2010 without logging that it did happen... and so. That's that.

In July of this year, my family had a reunion in Hawaii, where a lot of family is from. It was wonderful. I didn't want to leave, and not just because IT'S HAWAII, but because of them...I was sad, I got teary and emotional and I didn't want to leave THEM. I love them. All of them. I'm thankful that it won't be TOO long before I see them all again (2012!!).

I am thankful that this year I was able to spend a lot of time with my beautiful niece. She is super intelligent, funny and just a joy to be around.

I am thankful that our families find time to dedicate to each other everyday... whether it's a phone call, an email, a facebook update or a personal visit. I am thankful to be part of 2 very loving families.

After the miscarriage, I decided to leave my job. During a time of crisis in the economy and unemployment rates being so insanely high, for me -- my job was not worth it. I worked for the same company for almost 7 years. It was my first real job out of college. I left for personal reasons and needed some real ME time.

I took a job as a part-time pet sitter. I didn't take the job for the $$, and it was rewarding and fun.

I am thankful that after 7 months of 'ME' time, I am no longer a 'mental mess' and am back at the same company that I had left earlier this year. Instead of being an employee, I am working as a consultant. The job is different and requires a hell-of-a-lot less responsibility. I don't have the same daily stresses. I am thankful that I can say I LIKE MY JOB.

I started playing music again. After a lifetime of playing either the saxophone, viola or piano -- I stopped. I stopped it all after I changed my major in college in 1999. Every place I have lived since then I have been unable to practice, b/c it's just toooo loud for the neighbors. Well, this year I took it up again. Screw the neighbors, I live here too and I am a musician.

I joined an orchestra and a wind symphony. I started taking viola lessons again (it's so hard to find a good teacher). My new teacher told me that I play good and that I don't need him to help me with everything. So after 4 visits with him, he wound up playing during the entire lesson while I watched...(seriously, did not even get to pick up my viola) and I paid him. What was I thinking...I found a new instructor and can now say I am starting to finally LOVE playing it for the first time even though it was the instrument I majored in college. I didn't love it then or ever for that matter. Now I do!

Mike and I survived our first year of marriage. Which I can honestly say has been the EASIEST thing ever! We've grown so much together.

We got DIBS this year. Our wonderful little bichon-poodle pup. Both of our furbaby's are such a blast and we love them to death!

Next year holds a lot of possibility... I'm excited and looking forward to a fresh start.
posted by Typette @ 10:59 PM   1 comments
I'm a delinquent...apparently.
Sorry about the

That some of you may have gotten when visiting.

I didn't pay my hosting bill...

My bad, yo.
posted by Typette @ 9:04 PM   0 comments
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