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Charmin my @$$ -- pun intended? Maybe.
December 14, 2008
Every grocery / bulk store should check their shelves for slightly squished toilet paper bundles and discount them at least 50%.


Toilet paper manufacturers should make a recyclable tube that is less damage prone than the current cardboard ones.


Try pulling toilet paper off a roll that is shaped like an oval... it doesn't ROLL!!!

Ooooooooh, I've just realized this is going on the top of my list of pet peeves!!!
posted by Typette @ 10:03 PM   1 comments
On hiatus...
December 13, 2008
Lots of crazy shiznit going on in my life right now. I will be positing an update next week...

Right now -- I'm trying to just breathe.
posted by Typette @ 9:18 PM   0 comments
December 1, 2008
I have had a cavity. Went to the dentist today to get it filled.

Most recently my tolerance for pain has lessened. I feel everything and it's extreme...
For example, getting 1-3 shots of novocaine usually does the job. But 8-9 can't seem to cut it now. I think it's because of my anxiety levels. Not that I'm anxious, but I think it's from all the built up anxiety due to planning the wedding. I'm glad it's all done with and I can start to 'destress' a little bit now.

The honeymoon definitely helped... now with the holidays coming up, I'm trying to get all my shopping done ASAP and do as much of it as I can online as to avoid the stress of going to a store only to find out the item I want is sold out.
posted by Typette @ 7:42 PM   2 comments
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