February 3, 2010
Change is good, to some degree... but the changes at blogger annoy me. B/C now I have to do more work on my site just to make sure it shows up for ppl who visit since I use blogger.
Blogger is no longer allowing people to use FTP, which is what I've been using for YEARS...
I have a feeling migrating over to their custom domain hosting is going to be a big pain in the ass. I already own my own domain, and when I try to run it, it says I already have a blog hosted here. No shiat.
Okay, I'm moody today, and finding this stuff out today really doesn't help. Why didn't I know about this in January when it was announced..
I'm SURE the change will make blogging THAT much easier, b/c I do have some .blogspot blogs and they are so easy. Uploading and accessing pics is a whip.
Anyway... Come March 26th, I'll either still be here, or I won't... for a short period of time at least.
Blogger is going to setup a migration tool that is set to come out the week of Feb 22nd, so I wait in great anticipation to see what comes of it.
That's my to bed snookums. |
posted by Typette @ 10:28 PM |
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