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January 18, 2010
I thought I'd give this little dozer a try to get back into 'it'.

Instructions: Answer the Current Obession category and then explain WHY you chose that response. Easy enough?

Book: Travels in Alaska - by John Muir. After a recent trip to California and Muir Woods I have become obsessed with this man.

Snack: Golden Graham cereal - dry. Never eaten this cereal before ... my first box, and I'm obsessed. It's amazing with milk, and a simple satisfying snack without.

Restaurant: Right now it's the Montville Diner, b/c they have the best Grilled Chicken Caesar Salad (minus the Caesar dressing) with Balsamic Vinaigrette and the best buttery croutons ever.

Beverage: Pepsi Throwback, they really need to keep this shiznit ON the shelves. Not just for a 'limited time'. I mean, it contains REAL SUGAR!!!

Decor: Japanese stuff. Don't have a lot of it yet, but slowly accumulating.

Actor: Gerard Butler -- ever since 300. And, yes, I must admit ... I'm still on Team Edward :0Þ

Actress: Sandra Bullock has been redeeming herself lately in movies such as The Blind Side and All About Steve...but I'm not yet obsessed. I do enjoy movies with Angelina Jolie, Reese Witherspoon, Katharine Heigl, Kate Hudson & Scarlett Johansson. fav is Nicole Kidman, for years now.

Movie: The Hangover! Ah! A movie that IS NOT a book made into a movie... but if this was ever a Movie made into a Book that would make for a very interesting read

TV show: Glee is AWESOME and so is Cougar Town. My FAV is MadMen!!!

Hobby: Playing music, again. Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursdays I don't make it home until around 10pm b/c of rehearsals...(hence the lack of blogging) I love it though.


Song: Flightless Bird by Iron & Wine -- Been obsessed with this song for MONTHS!

Meme: Eh -- don't have one.

Blog: Kevin&Amanda!! Amanda is soooo creative. I look forward to her new posts everyday, and if she doesn't have one, I'm bummed out. so, yeah, I'm OBSESSED.

Lover: It would be totally wrong if I didn't say 'My Husband'.

Friend: Not obsessed with this friend, but it is the friendship that obsesses me, in a way that I'm in awe of it still, to this day. Though it's been more than 5 years in the making and having met once during that period and still we keep on goin. I'd count her as one of my very best-friends in life....Check out her blog, and make a friend!

Quote: "When we try to pick out anything by itself, we find it hitched to everything else in the universe." - John Muir (of course)

Peeve: Ignorant People!!! I was at the airport a few weeks ago and my husband told me something that really just PEEVED me. He told me that there were these 2 guys that had just gotten off a plane and were walking by laughing and pointing... they were pointing at a man who was on the floor on his knees, praying. What is wrong with people?!

Sport: I enjoy watching Italian Soccer!! But I'm not obsessed, since I rarely ever catch a glimpse when I'm out and don't know what channel it's on at home... LOL

Singer: Jason Mraz... lol

So, I'm on a kick, and going to visit blogs again, and from those blogs I will visit the links on their sites and hop around the bloggernet to find new blogs to follow. I purged my bloglines account of all the blogs that either haven't posted in like 6 months or, that I really just don't care to follow anymore. Time to add some new ones!!! 

Peace out, cub scouts!

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posted by Typette @ 11:30 PM  
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