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Fun weekend.
October 25, 2009
This weekend was a fun one.

Yesterday, we spent the day with my niece. It was rainy, but we still had fun. We went to a local music store so I could buy a practice mute for my viola, and my niece wound up buying a beginners piano practice book.
She's 6 years old and loves the piano, and REALLY wants to learn how to read the notes. I'm in awe of that.

Took my niece back home today, then went horseback riding with some friends at Echo Lake Stables. It was an hour ride through the woods and we even got in some good trotting with some of the beginners riding along :-).

After riding a couple of us decided to go to a shooting range.

Mike and I had never gone before but decided to take advantage of the days gorgeous weather and spend it outside ;-). It was a bit of a drive to the Sunset Hill Range, but it was worth it.

We had a blast - no pun intended ;-)

Here are some photos from the shooting range (horseback riding to come later)

This is the first gun Mike ever shot.
An M16A1 Assault Rifle. Same one from Scarface ;-)

Mike shooting a Baby Eagle (9mm) Handgun

Mike shooting a Sniper Rifle.

 Me shooting a hand-gun.

Me shooting a Sniper Rifle. (my fav of the day)

 Mike & Me with our targets. He's a good shot, but I got one in the groin ;)

Us in front of the sign.


Challenge - write next 10 posts with 125-200 words, no more, no less.
This is Post #1 - 187 Words. (not including photo descriptions)

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posted by Typette @ 11:13 PM  
  • At October 26, 2009 at 2:10 PM, Anonymous Smartee said…

    That totally sounds like a fun weekend for sure! I hope your niece enjoyed horseback riding!! I always enjoy horseback riding but it makes your legs sore the next day depending on how long you've ridden the horse.

    Wow... great job at the shooting range!! I've still never gone yet so hopefully I can go sometime soon :)

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