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in need of brow filler
September 24, 2009

why did i inherit japanese eyebrows
you know, the thin, fuzzy, fluffy, random coverage kind
i guess it was that or the extra hairy kind
from the italian side of my family

i am short 5'3"
(well shortest in my immed fam)

i have curves
(inherited from the italian/german side)

i think i have a mix on the eyes
(my mom's eyes are almost black and my dad's are hazel)

my nose is a mix
(mom's is wide/flat, and dad's is big and pointy)

my mouth/lips are from the japanese side
(g-pa Hideyuki had a big juicy pout) lol

my hair is from the italian/german side
(it's annoying b/c it's not straight or wavy, it's almost wavy)

my momma

100% Japanese
dark skin
black hair
squinty eyes / (they close when she smiles) lol
is short (5'4")

my papa
75% Italian - 25% German
 pale skin
light brown hair
hazel eyes
is avg height (5'10")

My dad and I used to meet up for lunch when our offices were close to each other.
We'd go to the local diner or something and we'd always get mean stares from people.
I just thought people were rude. Jersey-style.
Then one day, my dad and I ran into a coworker of mine.
We didn't make time for introductions, just in passing, we said hello and good bye.
When I got back to work
my coworker approached me and asked if the guy i was with was my boyfriend/husband.
Then i explained how he was my DAD and how EWWW EWWW EWWW
After that, I realized people who would see us out together had NO CLUE we were related
and probably thought this dude was having some kind of rendezvous with a youngin'. Asian-style.
Apparently we look nothing alike.

This is my dad, me, Mike & my mom.
keep in mind, my mom and i are wearing heels... lol.

Actually, now that I'm looking at this photo, I think my dad is taller than 5'10"
Mike is 5'8" -- and my dad looks a lot taller.

what do you think?

It is strange that I don't have ONE feature inherited directly from my dad...
Me and my other 2 sisters all have different noses.
I guess we played mix-n-match in the womb.
My younger sister and I have the same voice, mouth, eyecolor and same face shape
and even though she is 4 or 5 inches taller than me and about 40lbs lighter
we are always told we look like identical twins.
uh, okay.
My older sister is 5-6 inches taller than me and she has dark almost black eyes like my mom.

what features did you inherit from your parents?

P.S. I'm wearing my first ever lip-'stain' in the pic at the beginning of the post. tried it. love it!

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posted by Typette @ 4:31 PM  
  • At October 16, 2009 at 5:50 PM, Anonymous Brianne said…

    I'm a relatively even mix between my two parents. I'd say I got 62% of my features from my Dad/his side of the family, and 38% from my Mom/her side. I'll take it... my Dad's side of the family has really good genes. :)

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