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More blood test results
September 17, 2009
So about a month ago, i had some blood drawn.
Results were wacky -- like WAY wacky.
Got the blood redrawn and retested since docs gut feeling was telling her they weren't 'my' results.
Got the results back...
All the liver function test stuff was totally normal on the 2nd set. However, the Vitamin D -- was the same.

So, it makes me wonder - is it possible to get only PART of the blood tests results mixed up?? Really?

Or maybe, there is something else going on making my liver function tests fluctuate.

I am getting blood redrawn again in a month to reconfirm whether or not these are accurate results or not.

As far as the Vitamin D is concerned:
  The first results say 16.8 (normal is 32-100).
  The second results say 14.2

So, my Vitamin D count is getting lower...I'm concerned. I think it's weird b/c I'm in the sun for a minimum of 30mins each day. I had the blood drawn after a 10 day vacation in Hawaii where I was in the sun all the time, and I drink Milk (albeit Lactaid)... with my cereal and an additional cup a day. So why is it my count is low?

Who knows, doc said maybe I'm just not absorbing it properly, so I since my 2nd set of blood tests show that the liver count is normal, I can go ahead and take Vitamin D3 supplements of 1000mg a day. D3 is supposedly the closest to mimicking the vitamin D you would get from being in the sun.

She told me the obvious, that this can have a negative affect on my bones, but also mentioned it could cause fatigue.

TELL ME ABOUT IT!! Okay, so I thought I was just lazy and tired or bored or something...but I guess it makes me feel better to have a logical reasoning to why I'm always tired. I can sleep for 12-14 hours and still be tired, seriously, I could sleep ALL DAY...And, my body is weak lately too... just don't know how long this has been going on for, but at least there is a solution -- supplements. :) Easy Peasy.

My goal is to get my Vitamin D could up to the 50-60 range in a month. The next blood tests will show whether or not I'm absorbing...

That is all -- *pssh*

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posted by Typette @ 2:19 PM  
  • At September 18, 2009 at 10:08 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    You didn’t say where you live the other 355 days of the year. Ten days in the sun likely would not correct a serious deficiency. If you live in a northern climate you may find you will probably need 4,000 to 5,000 IU/day to get up to 50 ng/ml and it will take some time to reach that level.

  • At September 18, 2009 at 10:17 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Some questions:

    What "units" are you referring to? ng/mL or nmol/L.

    Are you reporting on 25-OH-D or 1, 25-OH-D?

    D.L. Smith

  • At September 18, 2009 at 11:18 AM, Blogger Typette said…

    hmm. I live in NJ. I do get sun most days... at least 30 mins or so. I am a pet sitter so daily walks (dependent on the weather) are usually my source of sun. Prior to being a petsitter, I worked in an office (NOT by a window) for 7 years.

    The units...
    Looking at the labwork, it shows ng/mL (14.2)

  • At September 18, 2009 at 11:19 AM, Blogger Typette said…

    Oh, and it also says "Vitamin D, 25-Hydroxy".

  • At September 18, 2009 at 9:59 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    The difference between 14.2 and 16.8 ng/mL can be explained by the normal variance in this test.

    However, you are still a long way from an optimal health target level of 40-60 ng/mL (100-150 nmol/L).

    Are you applying a sunscreen before you go outside? A sunscreen of 8 SPF or greater will block the production of vitamin D.

    D.L. Smith

  • At September 21, 2009 at 1:50 AM, Blogger Typette said…

    Nope, I don't wear sunscreen. Usually only when I'm going to the beach or something similar. I am going to start up on the Vitamin D3 tomorrow. 1000mg to start.

    Are you a doctor or familiar with this particular deficiency?

    Thanks for your comments - it's nice to have some input into what might be going on. I'm curious to find out!

  • At September 21, 2009 at 2:26 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Not a doctor. Just someone who has spent a lot of time over the past 12 years reading everything I can about vitamin D and writing over 100 articles on the subject.

    Your "story" caught my eye because it was counter-intuitive.

    Here is a recent article my wife and I wrote that may be of interest to you.

    You may also want to take a look at the information on

    Good luck getting your 25-OH-D up to 100-150 nmol/L.

    D.L. Smith

  • At September 21, 2009 at 3:47 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Sorry, the Vitamin D Council website is:

    D.L. Smith

  • At September 21, 2009 at 3:52 PM, Blogger Typette said…

    Thanks for the information!
    I too do not understand why I have never had my vitamin D levels tested before. This could be the culprit behind a lot of other issues that I have and doctors have been able to find cause for.
    In a way, I'm kind of glad this popped up in my results. I can now do what I have to try and bring things back up to a more reasonable level and see if I notice any benefits...

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