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Vegetarian Stuff...
September 11, 2009
As most of my readers know. I was a vegetarian, for about 1 year.
It was a very hard lifestyle adjustment to make. Along the way I met some really great people and had lots of support. Alas, it was hard for me to eat healthy as a vegetarian. I am very allergic to many fruits/vegetables/grains/nuts and I don't eat seafood (so I couldn't be a pescatarian either). I became pretty deficient in protein and the craving for protein/meat never subsided.

Close to the 1 year mark I became pretty miserable. Everywhere I would go I would see signs for Chicken. Meat, Meat... I needed it, I craved it. It was SOO hard for me to even thinking about eating meat again, b/c the images on the video, that I saw that originally caused me to seek out become a vegetarian, were still very vivid in my mind.

The night I decided to eat meat again my mom had made my favorite, Chicken Katsu. I ate 12 pieces of chicken that night. TWELVE.

My stomach did not hate me after that. I felt happy, I felt excited, like a kid who got to eat ice cream for dinner.

I'm not proud of eating meat. I am still against animal cruelty -- this is something I need to push more. I have to stand up for the rights of animals more. I know I eat chicken, but I should really be eating cruelty free. Even that way, it just still doesn't sound right.

If I could healthily learn to eat a diet without meat, I would do so, and I am not against become a vegetarian again. I would LOVE to be able to do it again. I do not eat as much meat as I used to prior to becoming a vegetarian. I am proud of that. I do try my best not to review the cruelty free lists and not buy products from companies who are not on it. I try, but I'm not perfect.

Well, I never posted an entry about me no longer being a vegetarian...maybe b/c I wasn't proud at the time. But I thought it time to get some closure.

The main thing I regret -- I've been out of touch with the vegetarian friends I made along my journey... I plan on reconnecting, very soon...and not just via social networking sites. ;-)


posted by Typette @ 11:45 PM  
  • At September 12, 2009 at 9:14 AM, Blogger Lissy said…

    A lot of stores now offer really good meat substitutes made of tofu or vegetable protein. Trader Joe's and Whole Foods are great for that stuff. I'm not a vegetarian, but I don't really like meat that much. Usually one night a week we'll have chicken and buffalo another night. The buffalo is expensive, but it's free range and healthier than beef.

    I figure, we're meant to eat meat and it isn't really cruel eating it, just the way the animals are treated these days. If people just cut down on the amount of meat they ate, even to just 5 servings a week, it would make such a big difference in peoples health and the environment. Everyone's always all or nothing though. I don't get that.

  • At September 12, 2009 at 3:25 PM, Blogger justme said…

    i understand what you're saying. I think its different if you have a specific allergy and that is why you cannot eat certain things. i decided to go pescatarian for a couple of reasons. 1. i read an article that really started making me think about some things. 2. I, for some reason, don't feel an animal attachment to fish and shrimp....i'm sorry, i just don't. 3. i don't have any cravings for any meat at all.

    now, i'm going to read "skinny bitch" and i've heard, that after that, i will think about going vegan. i don't know that that will happen though.

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