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Saw my GP...
September 1, 2009
and she checked me all out. Blood pressure 110/60 -- not HIGH.


No temp.


No abdominal pain or swelling of the liver noted.


She has worked through all my lung issues and know's my entire medical history. She said that my blood work from a year ago showed no signs for concern, everything was within normal range.

With liver function test levels off as much as they were -- i should either be close to an alcoholic or be hopped up tylenol the past 2 years straight. I don't drink, so, no.

She also said that with all these numbers so off the charts, I should be experience SOME symptoms. But, I'm not experiencing anything out of the ordinary.

She said her gut feeling is telling her that these numbers are wrong, and possibly they mixed mine up with someone else's. It just doesn't make sense to her. Unless I'm an anomaly. Which seems to be the case most times.

She's redoing all my bloodwork to compare. See if these really are MY results.

If these really are MY results, then the next step is to get an ultrasound of the liver.

If the numbers don't match up the 2nd time around, i will be getting a 3rd round of blood tests to confirm. 2 out of 3 -- then my other docs office, that took the blood, will be getting a very fierce call from me.

In the meantime, I will be acting as if these numbers are truly me. And I will NOT be taking vitamin D supplements until the Liver thing is figured out first. I will be avoiding trans fatty foods (as much as I can), I will be taking Fish Oils (prescription ones so I don't end up with Fish Burps EWWWWWWWWW), and I will not be taking ANY meds (except inhaler for asthma and some Tums for GERD symptoms.). I will not be drinking ANY alcohol. My girlfriend is having a wine tasting party and I told my doc, she said 1 glass of wine would be like drinking 3 glasses with these liver numbers... She said I could have one if I REALLY want to, but I will definitely NOT.

My C-Reactive Protein, Cardiac is too high. I asked my GP if I was at risk for a heart attack with those numbers and she said yes. Great. No one in my family (under the age of 85) has had a heart attack. And my family has no history of liver problems either.

I am hoping this was all just a mixup. Seriously... or if it wasn't, I hope it's just a gallbladder problem.

I am going to try and get my blood redrawn this week at a different facility than the first that did it.

Fingers crossed.

On a side note, I finally learned what is wrong with my damn feet/heels. I have Plantar Fasciitis which I got ever since I started pet sitting and walking in flat sneakers or slip-ons all day. It's friggen annoying, but totally fixable. Gotta get a shoe with a heel, YAY!

(I <3 Wearing Heels)

P.S. - EVERYONE SHOULD ALWAYS get a 2nd opinion with potentially serious health conditions or when your gut tells you something just isn't right. I see multiple doctors in the same practice/office and I don't care if word gets around. It's interesting how much each doctors view differs from the next. Oh, and also, researching things on the internet should not make your doctors not take you seriously. You are concerned and want to learn, they should be offering up all the info they have...


posted by Typette @ 11:12 PM  
  • At September 2, 2009 at 1:01 PM, Blogger Sue said…

    I'm glad she's on top of things. I definitely think redoing them is good. Even if they weren't mixed up they could be just wrong. kwim?

    I also agree on the 2nd opinion. I'm never shy about finding a new doc!

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