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August 19, 2009
this shit is whack -- for reals.

why is it that i seem to be getting EVERY illness my husband gets? And, not only do I get what he has had, but i get it about 2 weeks later and a lot worse.

I can't take it anymore!!!

I am experiencing one of the worst stomach bugs I've ever had in a LONG time. This one, however, does not induce vomiting (if it did, it would be THE worse).

My innards are writhing in pain. The best I can explain it is that it feels like everything is all twisted up inside. I've heard people say that's how they felt before, and now I know what they meant. It's my upper & lower stomach. It hurts, it aches. It makes me nauseous. It gives me cold sweats. I'm shaky, I'm irritable (very!). My stomach is convulsing and making crazy growling noises at me (sucks ASS!). My whole body is tensing up and cramping b/c of the pain...

I know what you're thinking. If it's so bad why is it that I am blogging this entry in the middle of it all? It is because I want there to be a record of how I died.

F.M.L. -- seriously.
posted by Typette @ 11:23 PM  
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