Shit-smack, just for you!
August 17, 2009
my new habit - Twitter. Hence twitter-bit.
I've gotten in the habit of adding 'bit', 'tang' & 'smack' to the end of things I'm typing. I hope it doesn't cross into my everyday verbal speak.
Tang & Smack - i've been using to emphasize things. It sounds completely ridiculous and crazy-tang or crazy-smack. Bit - I've been using to talk about things I do a lot. Can't help it at the moment, it's a bit-bit. HA!
Yeah, okay, so that's my explanation. Not that I needed to explain it, but for krispies sake, it's almost 1am. My mind is totally friggen full of crap right now, and I thought ya'll were worthy enough to be subjected to it tonight today.
Crap isn't always bad. Sometimes there is good crap, you know, the kind with little gems of corn in it. |
posted by Typette @ 12:50 AM |
You're hysterical! Love the new header btw...
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You're hysterical! Love the new header btw...