Holy Confused
August 4, 2007
I'm all hopped up on Percoset or something ... I wish I was able to function normally, but I just can't seem to even look straight ahead very well.
The surgery was on Thursday, recovery kinda sucked as I felt nausious and dizzy most of the time, then when I got home i just went straight to bed. Slept through Friday and most of today.
Scuse my spelling or bad typing ig there is any hrer. It's the meds.
Still in a bit of pain, and the left side of my face is all huge and swollen. I don't get it. |
posted by Typette @ 8:16 PM |
girl, I hope you are doing better today than on Saturday! are you o.k.?
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girl, I hope you are doing better today than on Saturday! are you o.k.?