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Engagement Photos...
March 3, 2008
Mike and I are supposed to wake up in about 5.5 hours to get dressed and ready to leave by 8am, in order to arrive at some light house on the beach in Long Beach Island.

We went shopping today to try and find something to wear. We have no clue what to wear on the beach in the winter that is actually going to look semi-normal.

Our photog told us to wear something casual but warm and said most girls wear 'flowy' skirts and men wear khakis or whate'r. Yeah, okay, so that's usually in the summer/spring...but it's friggen winter g-funk.

I wound up buying one of those layers shirts. It's black with a white collared shirt look under it. I am going to wear dark blue jeans and flat pointy dress shoes.

I tried my jeans on about 2 hours ago after they just got out of the dryer.

Mother - f'er... they did not fit very well. They most definitely shrunk and I'm stressing. So for the past 2 hours I've been wearing my jeans all tight and everything with the hopes that me sitting down or moving around with them on will loosen them up a bit.

Mike is going to wear dark jeans and a blue/striped v-neck...also gonna bring a white polo shirt just in case we look to 'dark' together.

I hope our photog isn't one of those extreme creative types that will actually expect us to jump in the water towards the end of the shoot, to get the 'fun' look in.


I'm off to bed.

(PS - Sue - if you're reading this, you need to hook me up with the digi-scrapbooking shiznit. I saw some links on your site and now I'm semi-obsessed with learning about it. It looks soooo much more fun than hands-on scrapbooking.)
posted by Typette @ 1:13 AM  
  • At March 3, 2008 at 11:58 AM, Blogger palm tree said…

    I can't wait to see these pics! The story behind them is great though...of course the jeans would shrink. Hope all went well. 32 days till I see you!

  • At March 4, 2008 at 8:04 PM, Blogger Sue said…

    How did the pictures go? You had a perfect day for them, that's for sure.

    I'd be happy to hook you up with digi scrapping. I love it and I have found places where you can print the pages too. I'll shoot you an e-mail...

    Can't wait to see your pics!

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