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3X Thursday
June 19, 2008
1. Have you made any life-style changes lately? If so, what are they? If not, are things fine the way they are, or would you like to change something?
- My most recent life-style changes include how I eat. But that happened in September. Vegetarianism, here I am. The next life-style change is to eat healthier! I'm not eating meat anymore, however, my staples currently are flour & sugar. LOL

2. Do you believe in the institution of marriage? Why/why not?
- Tough one. It's tough because the 'institution of marriage' is a religious take on things. I believe the purpose and meaning behind it is good and all, however, take the God part out. I am agnostic (believing in something), so to ME the institution of marriage is this : be committed to one another physically and emotionally. Grow and learn from each other, how to live harmoniously and with respect. Create life between each other... -- something like that. LOL.

3. How's life treating you these days?
- Fanfriggentabulous...thanks! I have it good. I do. I've been getting a little stressed out with the wedding planning and how fast things are moving. I feel like I'm a little behind. I'm behind on my 'goals' for this quarter for work, only because the goals I set for myself at the beginning of the quarter have been put on the back-burner b/c of new priorities in the office. FUN!
- Besides all that, life is treating me damn good!

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posted by Typette @ 10:01 PM  
  • At June 20, 2008 at 5:17 PM, Blogger Sue said…

    I agree on your marriage thoughts. I definitely don't take to the religious meanings either. But I've always believed in marriage whole heartedly.

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