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The Wedding
October 26, 2008
Wow -- I can't believe it's been 3 weeks since we got married.
It's not so much that it was a 'blur', I guess b/c I do remember a lot of it.
Mainly I remember what 'I' did. Like the rushing around, making sure I said 'Hi' to everyone, making sure my feet weren't getting blisters, making sure I ate, making sure we got all the pics we wanted... it was just a lot of work.

Renee (MOH) and I spent the night at the hotel (ceremony/reception site) on Wednesday & Thursday. We had originally planned only to stay on Thursday, but thank G*d we stayed Wednesday. There were so many odds and ends to tie up, if we didn't have that extra day, the wedding -- could've been to much for me to handle.

Mike also stayed at the hotel on Thursday night after the rehearsal dinner...that way we wouldn't have to drive from our home 45 mins away.


My bridal party consisted of :

1 Maid of Honor
7 Bridesmaids
1 Jr. Bridesmaid
1 Flower Girl

1 Best Man
7 Groomsmen

I don't have a large family, so I was very lucky to be able to have all my 1st cousins in the bridal party.

A bunch of the girls and I got ready (hair/makeup) at a day-spa a few miles away from the hotel. Easy-peesy -- everything done in one location.

I really liked they way my hair/makeup came out. I can honestly say - it's nothing like the 2 hair/makeup trials I had - (because I keep changing my mind as to what I wanted) But it came out so much better the day of. YAY

We lucked out with weather. Last year on our wedding day it was 80+ degrees and humid. This year it was 60's and cold!! But no rain!! I was SHOCKED!

Getting ready was nerve-wrecking -- I was very nervous and anxious, by the time I started walking down the aisle my lips were shaking, it was SOOO hard to keep a smile on my face b/c my lips were so jiggly. I can't wait to see how my photo's came out, I kept making silly puckering faces to keep my lips from moving. ECK

I walked down the aisle with both my mom and dad. I'm so glad I did that. I didn't feel the cold, I think b/c I had them both by my side.

The ceremony seemed quick to me, - I'm not into preachy religious ceremonies. I found a reading online that seemed perfect and asked one of my bridesmaids to read it... Falling in Love is like Owning a Dog. It was cute, funny and meaningful.

We didn't have a receiving line. We had everyone go inside from the courtyard where we had the ceremony into the cocktail hour the bridal party and Mike and I took a few quick pics. Afterwards, Mike and I got to enjoy some of our cocktail hour too!

This was on display:


It's my family crest made out of 1,001 origami cranes that we all folded for months, or so it seemed.

The photo doesn't do it is friggen AMAZING!

The reception went quick. We did our 'hellos' as soon as it started, and finished by the time dinner came around. Before we sat down to eat, I had to change my shoes and get some family pics taken, then when we did sit down -- everyone kept coming up to us to talk. It was hard to eat -- we were starving too... We tried our best to gulp some food down then try and enjoy ourselves and dance a little bit.

We got to enjoy a decent amount of the reception luckily!

There were about 160 ppl at our wedding, I think the facility holds 175-180 -- we weren't in a TIGHT squeeze, but the band -- well it was kinda big... The band had 11 ppl in it -- so they took up a good deal of space, however, they sounded awesome.

I just felt bad for the people who I sat next to the band. When we originally did the seating, the band was further away, (at least on paper), but during the reception, I don't know how our friends managed to stay seated -- When I stopped by their table to chat, the trumpets were blaring and I couldn't even see straight. I felt bad about this -- :-( -- everyone seemed to survive -- Mike and I were thinking we should've passed out ear-plugs.

I had 2 photographers and 1 videographer -- someone told me they were all over the place taking shots, I didn't even notice them, I think b/c we were just running around like we nutsos that night. The Photo/Video company set up a display inside the reception hall that showed pics they had taken throughout the day/night. I thought that was really neat!

There's A LOT I'm leaving out, only b/c -- I know it gets boring to read, and hell, if I had to write it all down -- it would take me days.

I haven't gotten the professional pics back (though they said they'd have them ready this past Wednesday, argh) -- so here are some photos that some guests took:

Flickr/Wedding photos
posted by Typette @ 12:45 AM  
  • At October 27, 2008 at 9:42 AM, Blogger justme said…

    wow, just from those pictures, it looked beautiful! i can't wait to see the prof. ones! I love your makeup and hair too!

  • At October 28, 2008 at 7:44 PM, Blogger Sue said…

    It was indeed a beautiful wedding! Don't worry June - we didn't mind the music, although my hearing has been a bit off every since... LOL j/k We had a great time and can't wait to see the professional pictures!

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