March 6, 2009
A few weeks ago, I gave my notice at my job. A job I was working at for about 6.5 years.
It was the first 'real' job I had ever had. I gone to school to study computer programming after a short stint of studying music therapy, only to wind up in the field of wireless telecom 6 months after graduating.
I've had other jobs when I was a kid. Retail and whatnot.
I have to say, this last job of mine, was the best job I've ever had. Or at least it was for a good 4 years or so. The interview itself is what really started everything. A boss who hired people for not only their skill-sets but also their personality. His goal, to form a 'team'. It was a great team.
As the years went on, the company grew larger and larger and more corporate. And what good can come out of working for a large corporation? Erm...I can't figure that one out.
As the company grew, our team shrunk... My job responsibilities changed. I started out as an admin. I loved it. It didn't utilize my skills of programming and music, but I didn't care. I liked what I did even at the most mundane of times. I liked that I wasn't in the field of 'programming' b/c that is really a one-man-show. You sit at your computer all day. No real socialization... you work for-da-man. That's sort of how my role at the company turned out. I didn't do hard-core programming, but I worked with data. No more admin. No more people interaction besides with a couple of my coworkers. I really hated it. No matter how many times I told my boss that, he would just tell me he doesn't want me taking a step-backward and doing that stuff. But I wanted to take a step-backward. Eventually I knew saying anything, wasn't going to get anywhere, so I said less and less as time went on. I understood where my boss was coming from and knew I could help our team out in a different I did.
I had been questioning whether or not I wanted to stay with the company for about 2 years. The hubby and I had many discussions about what is the right thing to do. I never came to the conclusion that I would just leave, we needed to have something else lined up. I went on interviews, was willing to take a paycut... but alas, I realized that even though I didn't love my job, I would probably hate my job somewhere else. So, I stayed on the terms that, if my boss ever left the company, then I would to. And left it at that.
Long story short -- things just got worse and wors3. Shifts in management, a lot of stabbing in the back ... and other personal things outside of work led to my decision to leave even without another job lined up. I was a point of realization that things would probably not get better anytime soon, and was I really ready to live the next year or so being completely miserable in my job? A job that I had to commute a total of 3 hours a day to? A job that recently had required me to work 10+ hours some nights? -- NO.
Cliche : Life is short.
I plan to enjoy every moment.
With that said. My plan was to take a month or so off while looking for another job. Just take it easy and work on the house. However, I had wound up setting up a few interviews before I had left the company. I was looking for something part-time. 20hrs a week at MOST. 1 interview was for a company about 2 miles away from where I live. The hours - 8:30 to 12:30, the pay... a little more than 1/2 of what I made at the last company. It wasn't a lot of money, but it was still money. I'd still have time for 'life'. Another interview was for something less stable. I'd always have a job, but the hours were random, but the pay was really good. I'd be working with animals too. My Love!
So, after 2 interviews with company #1, hubsy and I talked it over, and I'm NOT taking it. The company is super small, they are all techs that work there, I'd have no socialization (customer service interaction) at all. I didn't want to take a job for the money. But the job seemed almost TOO good to be true. I mean really. Less than a 5 minute commute?! I said NO. Instead, I will be working with animals. With the flexibility this job will be giving me, I will also be able to work on a startup business that a friend and I have been doing lately. It's a fun, hobby type job with the potential to make some decent $$$. I look forward to working on it everyday.
With that said -- I have to admit, it's still weird to me. I don't feel 'weird' that I'm not going into work at the old company. I feel like I left that job a long time ago. As horrible as that sounds. What feels weird is that even though I've had a week off, I haven't gotten much done around the house. I've felt very un-productive, but I guess that's okay. I'm catching up on 'chill-time'.
I miss a few of the ladies I worked with at my old company though. I haven't really kept in touch so far, but I think -- it's just 'cause I feel like I've only been away for a day. |
posted by Typette @ 9:17 AM |
i'm just so proud that you left that job. it sounds like it was time and i know how hard it is to leave something like that that you've done for so long. i am so excited that you will be working with animals....i can't wait to hear the stories you will have
I'm a programmer and I never work alone. Sometimes I wish I did, ha ha. There's always tons of people around, lots of meetings to go to and a bunch of people I have to talk to throughout the day. I dunno why everyone thinks we sit in a cubicle and write code all day :-/ It's not like that at all. I only spend maybe .1% of my time writing code.
If they had you sitting alone doing your work all day, something aint right there. It's good you left. No one should have to do that.
Well - you are right there. Hubsy is a developer and he is always around people and always communicating with them, then again, he works for a technology company consisting mainly of other software engineers.... but I think how I felt it, was that I would be working for one person. B/c there weren't any other people in my company who did the same thing as me, I worked alone. And I reported to one person...who basically gave me his needs, I gave him the product...and that was that. Luckily I had some cool chickies I worked with that I could socialize with and the allowance to do so without getting reprimanded.
Good luck on your job hunting. Life is like that. Changes comes.
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i'm just so proud that you left that job. it sounds like it was time and i know how hard it is to leave something like that that you've done for so long. i am so excited that you will be working with animals....i can't wait to hear the stories you will have