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March 25, 2009
Yeah, some of you might know and some not until now...that I have 2.5 tattoos. They are all very small.

- a small red heart on my chest- I got it when I turned 18. I was in HS, and my boyfriend at the time went with me. It was just a small red heart. I got it redone about 7 months later b/c it was a little crooked and they redid it with a black outline and some white to highlight the heart.

- the earth tattoo on my arm - I got this one by accident. This is the .5 of the 2.5 tattoos I have. I don't think it really counts, but hell, it's a permanent ink mark. This happened at the first sitting for my heart tattoo. I don't know how seeing as the only color in the tattoo at the time was red. Anyway, i got hit with a needle on my arm. Now i have a dot. Over the years (10 that is) it has spread a little. The world is growing. What can I say

- family crest - my family crest is 'pretty'. It's like a flower. I have this tattooed onto the inner side of my ankle. The side of my achilles heal actually. My younger sis got the same one in the same spot and my older sis got it incorporated into a bigger tattoo.

So, I've been wanting to get another one. The tattos I have are all smaller than the size of a quarter. I don't like being showy, which is why the ones I have are in spots that aren't right out there for all to see. I like tattoos that mean something to me. Else, I don't know why else to get one.

I want to get one on the inside of my wrist. It will either be music related or related to my ethnicity. I want to get a white one. I love the effect of the white tattoos, and I like how discreet they can be.

Check out some white tattoos here : Flickr White Tattoo Group

Love them... LOVE THEM!!

Okay -- so just thought I would share. I will add photos of the tattoos I have shortly!
posted by Typette @ 9:27 PM  
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