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Potty Wisdom
December 19, 2006
Today I noticed that when I go into the public restrooms at work or in any public facility, I walk up to the stall, and slowly push the door open. I stand back a little bit and try to peer in to see if there is any pee on the seat, nastiness left in the bowl, or any hairs on the rim. If there are any of the things, I say "Ewww", literally, then step back and slowly move onto the next making the same motions.

I think that's kind of funny and I've noticed other women doing the same thing, but I've also noticed those who just don't care and will walk right into one of the stalls I classified as "Ewww" and sit right down. YIKES!

My advice for women is :

- forget about those stupid toilet protectors, if you know anything, you know they don't help, always use the Hover method when in a public restroom.

- when washing your hands, get your paper towels first, tuck them under your arm and wash your hands. Before you turn off the water, take the papertowel out from under your arm and turn off the faucet, then take that same paper towel and use it to pull the lever that gets more papertowels... Throw out your paper towel, then grab the new bunch, dry your hands and take paper towel with you to the door. To open door, use papertowel!!! Then throw it out.

There are waaaay too many women who just don't wash their hands, then wind up touching that nasty pee covered door handle. ECK!!!!


posted by Typette @ 12:26 PM  
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