Ten on Tuesday : "Things I do when I'm bored" Edition
July 17, 2007
In no particular order::
#1 - go online (check emails, blog etc...)
#2 - read books (only lasts about 10 minutes each sitting)
#3 - watch sitcoms or reality tv (love reality crap)
#4 - draw (stuff from illustration friday usually)
#5 - go out to see a movie by myself (sometimes it's just better alone)
#6 - sing karaoke(on singsnap.com)
#7 - stare at myself in a 10x zoom mirror. (get all upclose and personal with my pores. LOL)
#8 - pluck my eyebrows...(luckily I don't do this very often)
#9 - think about cleaning, but never actually get around to doing it
#10 - eat (small snack type things, since they seem to last longer)Labels: Ten on Tuesday |
posted by Typette @ 10:59 PM |
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