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2 Days in Paris - A MUST-SEE!!
September 19, 2007
Tonight I saw a brilliant movie.
I decided to try out a local theater that plays a lot of international and indie films.
I'm not REALLY into either, but I've heard raves about the movies shown at the Montgomery Cinema's in NJ, so I thought what the hell, I could use a night out by myself, why not catch a movie.

I saw "2 Days in Paris" It was so funny but so real. I've never seen a movie quite like it actually.
There are few subtitles, b/c the setting is Paris, France. If you don't like subtitles, you'll still like this movie, the subtitles are funny! The acting was brilliant. It was almost like observing life, in it's true form, not acting.

I'm starting to sound a little corny and not making much sense, just go see it if you can!

If you can't, below is a preview ;)

When I got there, there is no line, there is actually no customers at all at this theater. Interesting.
But Alas, I walk into the theater, medium popcorn and cup of coke in hand and I'm greated by 10 old couple head turns. YAY! I hope I made the right choice here.

Anyway, the movies goin and there's this part where a girl is in a towel and this old man behind me starts running off at the mouth, "Pussy, show us some Pussy!!"... and his gal pal is trying to shush him, and he says, "No, I want to see some Pussy!".
Okay, I'm sorry, but I really don't like that word, and really I don't know if it's even going to allow my site to be accessible from offices now with that lingo on there. Eck...

It was a little awkward, b/c I was sitting all by myself in the row in front of him and I had no one to rant to about this vulgar man. And honestly, I felt a little violated by him even though we couldn't really see each other. ECK.

It was an odd experience, but the movie made up for it!

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posted by Typette @ 10:07 PM  
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