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September 11, 2007
I'm really feeling the joy of all that is Fibromyalgia tonight.

I don't understand, I have yet to figure out a pattern to the pains I get.

I used to keep a log. What day it was, what time, what the weather was like, what part of my body was hurting, how long it hurt etc...

No pattern.

Sometimes I would ache a day before a storm, and some days I wouldn't. Sometimes I wouldn't get any aches until after a storm, and sometimes I wouldn't get any pain at all.
Sometimes when it's a beautiful perfect day, I ache.

I believe it has something to do with a change in barometric pressure, for better or for worse. Whenever theres a big change (i.e. bad weather to good or vice versa).

For years I thought I had RA (Rheumatoid Arthritis)...and so I was told by ppl for so long. But after many blood tests, the RA factor was low. There was no test actually proving to me that I had it. Finally, my wonderful, out of the box thinking doctor referred me to a Rheumatologist. Seems like common sense, but I had no clue what was wrong with me.

I had this tender points test given to me, and I was tender in 15 of the 18 points. It was really strange, b/c when the doc would push on those points it hurt really bad. Like someone digging their finger into a pressure point on your body. After lifting his hand from the tender point I would have a lingering feeling as if he was poking a bruise. I thought this was normal and that everyone felt those pains. I was wrong.

Anyway. I have learned to manage and deal with the pain. It can be debilitating at times, but I take pain meds (such as Tylenol etc...) to help and heat always works really well for me.

When it's really bad, I prefer to sleep through the pain so I don't have to deal with it, so I pop some Tylenol PM or Flexiril and out I go.

My fibromyalgia keeps me up most nights. I never really get a good nights sleep. I am out for at least 8 hrs each time. But according to a sleep test I took, I get less than 30mins of TOTAL cummulative REM sleep. Ah well - I'm alive and still kickin'.

I can deal.

I think the whole point of writing this was to express how happy I am that Tylenol PM was invented. I just popped a few and can't wait to get to sleep.

Off I go.

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posted by Typette @ 11:01 PM  
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