ok ew
March 6, 2008
I was watching FoodTv and just saw some guy friggen dip a pita wedge in some hummus. The gross part of it was he friggen put his fingers in the dip with the pita. Ewww
Friggen ewww.
I know I get really picky and stuff...I just HATE people who have no table manners.
I HATE hearing people eat, or swallow, or chew. I know I make noise when I chew, especially when it's crunchy...but I don't like hearing other people. I have this crazy sense of hearing. It's horrible in a way. I have found NO good use for my super-sonic blessing. I hear people drink! I mean, swallow when they drink. It's gross to me.
I hear Mike eating breakfast (cereal) every morning. I'll be in bed and I'll here him all the way in the kitchen on a different floor. He has admitted to me that he has tried even eating in the bathroom down there b/c I was so annoyed with the sound. I still heard him. I can't stress enough how much it bothers me.
Every time a spoon or fork hits a plate or bowl, i cringe. Literally. I get such a horrible pain in my teeth whenever I hear it. It's the feeling most people get when someone scratches a chalkboard with their nails. I get that with clanging of silverware on dishes. Yes, I know, it's all me. I am a little un-reasonable or un-realistic, when it comes to my expectations of other peoples food habits, but... I think it's time to switch to plastic.
This post has totally become a run-on, so I'm running off.
Time to pack for the trip home.
Here's another E-Pic:
posted by Typette @ 11:37 PM |
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