just emptying out the brain...
July 4, 2008
There's a lot of shiznit I've got to do, and a lot of shiznit I've already done.
I've been doing things I've always wanted to do, but now, I'm at a point in my life when I'm emotionally, physically and monetarily stable enough to do things.
I'm getting married in October, I'm excited, but also can't wait for it to just be done with already. I think the best part about getting married is the preparation and anticipation. But what happens when the 5-6hr party is over...that's it. Now what, you're married .... AND THEN?! ooooOooOh -- THE HONEYMOON! DUH -- i foogotz (Tahiti here we come!)
Mike and I have it pretty good. We've been living together for a few years now and are 'used to' each other. We know each other's habits and I am relying on past experiences we've had together to determine the fact that we can live together for the rest of our lives...
We both have decent paying and stable jobs. YAY.
We have a place to call 'home'. We no longer live with our parents which is spectacular...so the whole mess of buying a place to live after getting married -- is one thing we don't have to worry about. However, we've been wanting to sell our current place for the longest time. Each time it's fully presentable -- we mess it up... The problem with our place is not the size, but moreso, the layout. We have 4 floors all jumbled in the weirdest way. There is no 'flow'. It's bizarre. I can't say it's "bad" it's just not a place to start a family b/c of all the stairs...At this point, I'm hoping we sell by the end of the year, not so sure about that, since that's what we said last year. LOL.
Tomorrow I'm getting my hair and makeup trial done at Depasquale's. It's a day-spa near where I work -- which is closer to the wedding/reception than where I live at least.
The price of all these things (just the trials) is enough to freak some people out. I can't believe it, but I guess it's just an understanding that for a wedding, you just pay more. Argh. I don't even have my head piece yet. My mom got a veil from someone she works with who already got married. I think I will use it...(Don't really wanna shell out $200 for a piece of sheer fabric). I just need the headband to attach it to since I want to have my hair down.
Most girls I know, are all about the wedding. All about the planning. It becomes their life. It has become mine now too, but I'm more stressed about it than anything. I'm so excited about marrying Mike, it's just the whole cost of it all and I'm not really that fond of wearing white...but for traditions sake -- I will. LOL. If I could wear a black cocktail dress, I'm sure I'd feel so much more comfortable. Also, I'm not really one for having all eyes on her. Yikers...that is a little weird. And the whole "It's Your Day" thing -- I get it, but it makes me feel selfish.
I'm a bit of a control freak, so I think that's the biggest issue. If things don't go the way we plan, I will freak... So I've been slowly planning things and trying my best to depend on the people we are paying to do their jobs and do them right. That is soooo hard. I'm one to just do something myself, if I want it done the right way (or at least 'my way')...
2 weekends ago, some friends from work and from the meetup.com vegetarian group went with Mike and me to Pennsylvania to do some Whitewater rafting on the Lehigh River. It was a friggen blast! I had no idea what to expect...and was happy at the outcome. We had 2 rafts with 6 people in each. I had thought there would be a guide who knew the river, in each raft, but there wasn't. Just us beginners...trying to stear a huge @$$ raft through rapids. Some people paddled, some didn't, some people fell out, some didn't... Sometimes our raft would just take us downstream while the rest of the group stayed back. That was a little freaky...and it was impossible to try and paddle back up stream... At one point, we all just got out of the raft and tried walking it back up to a place where all the 'other' rafters stopped to eat lunch. Don't worry, out of the 100+ people who were there and saw us... NO ONE HELPED!
At least I know I could survive in the semi-harsh-wild with my crew. HA!
After rafting, I, the vegetarians and Mike went to Jim Thorpe, PA. What a friggen cute/quaint town. It had the most AWESOME restaurant that catered to Vegetarians...and the food was prob the best I had since I became vegetarian in September. (Cafe Origins)
Last weekend some friends and I went horse back riding. We took a night-trail ride that lasted about 1.5 hours, through the woods near a stable in Newfoundland, NJ. (Echo Lake Stables). After the trail ride, we took a hayride into the middle of the woods where a DJ (yup...a music DJ) and a grill and bonfire awaited us (a group of abt 30). They grilled up some Hamburgers and hotdogs (I had a cheese sandwich), and we roasted marshmallows over the fire while the DJ cranked out some country music. (-- there were PLUGS in the TREES!)
After about an hour and a half of all that, we took the hayride back through the dark spooky woods and were dropped off by our cars. GOOD TIMES!
For $60, what a friggen bargain!
We are planning to get a bigger group together in August for a possible Day ride (no bonfire/hayride/food).
Oh, the horse I rode was named Maestro -- he rocked. He was in Spiderman 3 & Enchanted. He had a bit of an attitude and bit a horse and kicked another in the face. I was scared...
Mike rode a horse named Burrito... Burrito was hillarious b/c he would randomly just stop and stand in one spot and even after Mike kicked and pulled him, he wouldn't move. Mike wound up in the back of the pack holding everyone up, but it wasn't his fault, it was Burritos. It was just the funniest thing.
With abt 30 of us riding through the woods on horseback -- if one horse had to pee, they would all pee...at the same time. It literally takes about 2 minutes for them to 'complete'. Some horses walked so close the horse in front of them, that when the horse had to poop -- it came right out on the other horses face. YUM!!!
Tomorrow morning Mike and I are driving up to my mom's to drop off Peeps. Seeing 'Get Smart' at the movie theater at 11:50am. Then I have my trial at 2:30ish, and it all ends around 5pm. Then we go to dinner for my mom's bday at 7:30...then we pick up Peeps and head back home.
My mom's house is a bit dog-crazy right now. She's got the 4 (Louie, Kiko, Chip & Yoshii) and now she has 2 more she is dog-sitting for about a month ... so there are 6. With Peeps there tomorrow, that will make 7. Holy CRAP.
This is the first year, I think, that I didn't see fireworks :-( So Sad... I was lazy today. |
posted by Typette @ 10:16 PM |
Yes, wedding prices are INSANE! They really get you when they hear the word "wedding". I too am a control freak - I can relate. I too was also stressed with the wedding planning. I will say, Yes, it's YOUR day. Don't feel selfish. It should be about you. It's really the only time in your life. Especially before kids - after kids? No one cares about you. LOL The best advice I got and will share with you - at your reception, focus on having fun. I remember my Mom telling me that with 300 people at her wedding, she only danced their dance with my Dad. The rest she was greating people. At mine? I refused for this to happen. After we sat down, I grabbed J and made new speed records going to the tables. After that? If anyone wanted to find me? I was the chick in the white dress on the dance floor. And that is where I stayed all night - I never even ate. But I had a blast and that is all I wanted!
Glad you had fun on the rafting trip (I've been to Jim Thorpe - awesome little town) and the horse ride. I SO wish I could have been there. :(
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Yes, wedding prices are INSANE! They really get you when they hear the word "wedding". I too am a control freak - I can relate. I too was also stressed with the wedding planning. I will say, Yes, it's YOUR day. Don't feel selfish. It should be about you. It's really the only time in your life. Especially before kids - after kids? No one cares about you. LOL The best advice I got and will share with you - at your reception, focus on having fun. I remember my Mom telling me that with 300 people at her wedding, she only danced their dance with my Dad. The rest she was greating people. At mine? I refused for this to happen. After we sat down, I grabbed J and made new speed records going to the tables. After that? If anyone wanted to find me? I was the chick in the white dress on the dance floor. And that is where I stayed all night - I never even ate. But I had a blast and that is all I wanted!
Glad you had fun on the rafting trip (I've been to Jim Thorpe - awesome little town) and the horse ride. I SO wish I could have been there. :(