The greatest people in the world, are in my life.
October 28, 2008
The ride home today was horrible. Our first snowfall caused major chaos on the roads. In NJ we get every season, so we're used to it... but today, it was snow/sleet/slush/ice... There were so many accidents. 2 major highways were completely shut down for a big part of the work day...
I have a 40+ mile commute to and from work. It took me 53 minutes to go 10 miles down Rt 287 to get home. During my 'wait' in traffic I started thinking back on things.
The past few years, my life has truly changed.
5 years ago I was in engaged to someone who doted on me and didn't give me room for independence. He had no friends, I had NO friends. We were each others one and only (not as romantic as you would think). I was in that relationship for almost 5 years. I had no love, just a comfort for knowing what to expect day-to-day... It wasn't bad for the most part, but after awhile -- it got old. I needed my independence and freedom.
After much thought I decided I needed out. The majority of my family didn't agree with my decision, but I did what I felt I needed to do.
The weeks following were some of the hardest I've ever had. I had no friends. No one to talk to. I didn't feel my family would accept how I felt and why and couldn't really open up to them without getting the "I can't believe you left him", "If it were me, I wouldn't have done it" speaches.
So essentially, it was like I was starting all over in a new state, far from home...
I started to make friends at work. Friends I never would've even thought I would get along with before. I discovered some great personalities in each of them, all different, yet we meshed so well together.
They were friends with me through my time as a singleton. Appreciated, respected and humored me. We have vacationed together. We've been through many life-changes together. I love them. I can't imagine life without them.
I met Mike. A man independent. Allowing to have an independent women in his life.
When he met me, things with me started to fall apart. Definitely NOT because of him though. Through all of the falling apart, I am amazed that he stayed with me through my changing and 'issues'.
I had 3 concussions within 2 months (i think)... the first of which was pretty serious leaving me with some memory loss (that I eventually recovered after abt a year or so). Each concussion afterwards was done by Mike. ACCIDENTALLY, of course.
I would find myself in the car driving and after what seemed a short amount of time, I would realize I was at a place that I did not intend to go wondering how I got there. I would get to work and see that all my work had been done, not remembering having done any. I lost my concept of time. It was a very difficult and confusing.
B/C of the concussions, I started getting migraines. OUCH! Never thought they were as bad as people said... Now I feel bad for everyone who gets them!
B/C of the concussions, my hormones also changed. I started getting allergies I never had before.
My brand new car had a lot of bad luck. Got hit 3 (or was it 4) times while uninhabited and parked. Got towed. Got me 4 tickets at 1 stop. Got me 1 ticket out of state. My car hated me. Then I learned to appreciate him. LOL and all is well now.
Anyway -- where was I going with this...
Friends, right... okay.
Mike has allowed me to have friends. Mike has friends of his own. Through Mike and his friends, I've met people who I feel have a big impact on my life. People who I enjoy spending time with.
I think back at the past year or so. All the wedding stuff. The shower, bachelorette party, and the wedding. Who was there to share the moments with us. It's so nice to know so many wonderful people who have a profound impact on our lives and who we are 'today', albeit, they've been out of our lives more than they've been in it.
Net-buddies. MY! How amazing and almost situationally perfect it is to have a Net-Buddy! I met this one girl online through blogging what seems like just yesterday, but in reality it's been...what? -- 4 years? We chatted online for years together. Through blogging, emails, IM, eventually making it to the phone and then meeting in Texas (of all places) at an inline skating marathon. Something I never in a million years would've imagined doing. She is one of the most influential people in my life today. She is spontaneous and impulsive. Much like myself. The things she does, I want to do. Not just because she does them, but it's like "WOW" -- "Hey, I never really put a lot of thought into it before, but YEAH, that's something I like to do too!!!" (or would like to do at times) lol... She is funny. She is 1/2 Japanese!! She is in the middle of the country :-( -- but, I still love her too.
Childhood friends -- I have but 1. 1 person I can truly say is a life-long friend to me. She is not only a friend to me, but also to my younger sister. She is fantabulous. I love her. The main things we have in common is that we are both asian. There weren't many of us in our school. She is also a musician and we met in band. She is superbly intelligent. She is a chatterbox! (Love it)... She is spontaneous and impulsive. She and I are also very different in many ways, though we are both artistic, her tastes lie in a place I can't seem to get myself into. But I love her for that. She has her own style. She is whimsical to me. I love her!
Reverting back to the beginning of this entry... I had given up all my friendships from HS and college to be with the man I left in 2003. I had taken my friends for granted back then. When my ex-friends and I tried to reconnect, our personalities and lives were so completely different, there really was no point in salvaging our past relationships again. I never want to make that mistake again. I realize how important friends are. That is also why I put together -- I want us to stay connected. Do things together... Just be in each others lives, one way or another. I never want to lose that.
I rarely write stuff like this. But... I realize how lucky I am to have all these wonderful people in my life. They are not family. They do not HAVE to like me and I do not HAVE to like them. But they do (i think), and I do. |
posted by Typette @ 8:39 PM |
awwww, what a nice surprise to come to work and read this. next time, we have to meet somewhere a little more "something" than texas! I don't know where it will be, but we'll think of something! I'm laughing my head off because i had forgotten what you had written the day before, so after I read your nice and very sentimental blog, i scroll down and read "Peeps pooped in the den". ha ha! Mood kill!
Wow - that's really sweet. Very true too. Life tests us and in doing so tests our friendships. I've learned through my own experiences and obstacles who my true friends are. I treasure them! I'm glad you do too! And yes, I like you too! :)
Woo, I just got caught up reading your blog since the wedding!
Awww...shucks! I'm touched by your comments! My goodness, I have sooo many memories with you. We had a lag time of not being in touch, so I think we did well in staying good friends after all these years. Yay!
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awwww, what a nice surprise to come to work and read this. next time, we have to meet somewhere a little more "something" than texas! I don't know where it will be, but we'll think of something! I'm laughing my head off because i had forgotten what you had written the day before, so after I read your nice and very sentimental blog, i scroll down and read "Peeps pooped in the den". ha ha! Mood kill!