Too Much Tupperware...
March 29, 2009
as my niece would say ... "For Reals, Yo"

Today we got rid of half of the tupperware stock. Some of it belongs to my mom (Thanks Mom, for all the meals you shared with Mike!), and some of it has missing lids. Where'd they go? -- no clue. And then we have random lids with no containers to attach to. How does that happen? WEIRD!
Tupperware is the worst thing to have a bulk of when you are trying to organize cabinet space. Tonight we labeled the sets. Each type of lid goes to a specific type of container. And now they are number coordinated so it will make finding lids a lot easier than before. If we ever come across a container or lid without a number -- we know it's either not ours, or one of the mysteriously missing ones. |
posted by Typette @ 9:46 PM |
we have the same thing. and then on top of that, we have a corning ware issue as well.
I did that a month or so ago. Makes it so much easier. Jerome loves it now b/c he can find lids with bottoms. LOL
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we have the same thing. and then on top of that, we have a corning ware issue as well.