another new site
May 27, 2009
I wanted to create an online portfolio of sorts, of my photography. (non-professional, of course).
My site has over 3300 photos on it, and it's hard to look at everything. Great for storing though, since they store the original size and you have unlimited space if you sign up for the pro package (which is significantly cheaper than Google's Picasa Pro Accounts)
Picasa by Google starts you out with 7GB for free. Which is actually a lot of space, but if you take an exorbitant amount of photos like I do, and want to share them on the web in full size (or smaller)... 7GB ain't gonna cut it.
Here are the pricing plans for Picasa:

Flickr's free account provides only 100MB/month of uploading. That equates to about 1.2GB/year. Not great, but their pricing? Can't beat it.

I'm sure there are others out there, but Flickr has been good to me and I plan to remain loyal.
Anyway - this new site of mine, is not a blog. It's just a portfolio/web album. I plan to post my favorite photos on there. I also hope to be able to come up with some themes every month for photos to be taken. It will keep me occupied, b/c lord knows, I can't remain focused on one thing for too long.
I had originally had this logo in mind:

...But decided to go with something a little less personal.
Here is the new logo:

Here is the link to the site :
I'm working on getting a flash gallery up and running. Hopefully by mid June at the latest. |
posted by Typette @ 10:58 AM |
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