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pet sitting...
May 22, 2009
Today I pet sit for 2 of my fav's. Here they are. All fluffy and cute.

Pookie (Pomeranian)

and Gizmo (Shitzu)

Heading down their driveway to the street.

Walkin' them with 2 retractable leashes. Not the easiest thing.
This is a very busy road (can't tell by this pic) and cars like to zoom through going almost 50mph. Coming over the small hill they have little time to react if one of the dogs is in the street. And Giz, he likes to walk in the street.

Pookie, on the other hand, loves to explore. Like in the woods for example. She always has ticks on her and I'm the lucky one who gets to pull them off her! It takes forever b/c she is just one big furball.

we made it back home safely.

posted by Typette @ 3:31 PM  
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