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Wrestling the Gator(ade)
December 21, 2006

video link below, in entry

Ever get that feeling where you were so excited to go somewhere, it gave you butterflies in your stomach. You anticipate getting there and doing whatever you're going to do and you just can't wait. That's the feeling I get when I come home from work and I can't wait to sit down at the kitchen table, chow down on some dinner and chug some Gatorade.

Recently Mike and I had that feeling. 4 nights in a row actually... Oh yes, 4 crrrrazy nights.

It all began at BJ's Wholesale store where Mike spotted a bulk case of Gatorade(32oz) bottles in different flavors. As expected, he was thinking of me and how much I love me some Gatorade, so he popped it into the cart and off we went. (How thoughtful)

That night, he handed me a Red (Fruitpunch flavored) Gatorade bottle to drink. As I went to open it, I got frustrated. I stood there for a good 2 minutes (which is actually a pretty long time) and tried to open the bottle. It wouldn't budge.

Thinking to myself, "Damn, I really need to get in shape", I handed Mike the bottle to open. Thinking to myself, "Damn, he really needs to get in shape too", as he struggle to open the bottle...I finally realized it's not us, it's the bottle. The friggen thing wouldn't open. We tried and tried, and I even received a war wound from wrestling with the gator and sliced open an area right below my middle finger on the palm of my hand from trying to open the damned thing.

Anyway, I was a little let down. I had gotten my hopes up anticipating the taste of Gatorade. We brought the bottle upstairs with us and decided to just wait a little while and try again.

We waited, we tried, we failed.

It took us 2 days to finally open that bottle of Gatorade.

As the days went by, each night Mike bringing up a bottle of Gatorade for me to drink, we started to realize a pattern. The yellow ones are pretty hard to open and the red ones, forget about it, they take days.

Our most recent endeavor involved a red bottle. It started 4 days ago. We figured we probably wouldn't be able to open it, but were ready to take the challenge anyway.

Day 1 - twist and turn, twist and turn --- nothing budged but the skin on our now callused hands.

Day 2 - One attempt - very brief -- returned bottle to kitchen counter

Day 3 - He tried - I didn't.... I tried not to think about the Gatorade (it's been 3 days since I've had a sip!!!)

Day 4 - Anxiety building, looking forward to conquering the gator...

Day 4 (30 minutes later) - SUCCESS after about 30 minutes of battle. We tried using a knife, razor blade, needle-nose pliers, regular pliers and our own brute strength.

We were lucky enough to capture the final moments on video...

Take a look for yourself

I think I'm going to write a letter to the folks over at Gatorade. I truly LOVE and enjoy the drink, I just can't stand not being able to pop one open and quench my thirst when I need to. 4 days just won't do.

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posted by Typette @ 11:23 PM  
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