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January 19, 2007
So, we're going to Italy in April. The money for the trip is due in February. Ugh.

I still have to get a passport, since I've never had one before.
I should really get on that, I think haha.

Mike and I are going to Italy with the Italian/American Club. We don't belong to it, but some relatives of him do and when we found out about their trip to Italy, we couldn't pass it up!

I'm excited, I've never been out of the country before. I guess I'm a little nervous because of that too.

It finally snowed, If you can really even call it that. There's a dusting on our cars this morning. I'm surprised seeing as it's still in the 40's.

I decided to start up sax lessons again, and I'm going to try this music school around the corner from my house. My first lesson is on Saturday morning. I wonder if it'll be good. I think they think I'm a beginner, but I've played sax since I was 10 years old...(16 yrs total I guess that would mean), but I haven't performed in about 6 years... AHHH!

Mike starts his voice lessons tonight. He is going to be instructed by a Vocal Teacher from Princeton University. (was one of his Christmas gifts from me).

Finally got a response back from my Pulmonologist's fellow. We've been communicating via email for over a month, which started back when I asked -- what's the next step.

Each email she told me how she either couldn't get in touch with the Doc, or he hasn't been able to respond yet. I didn't think it would be that hard to say... "No next step" or "come in for follow up".

Anyway, I got frustrated and let her know. She responded saying that my Doc wants me to come in for Follow ups and repeat lab tests and CT scans. I wonder if the lymphnodes have changed at all.

Still having nightsweats (less frequently though), having dry cough (could be related to onset of chronic sinusitis), ear infections, sore throat etc...

Seeing an ENT to get allergy tested, hopefully that's all it is.

Got paid today - YAY!... It's a hefty check this week, b/c I forgot to hand in my time sheet for the week of christmas and didn't get that in my last paycheck. AHH

I love Affinity FCU as a bank. It's so much better than Commerce, seeing as Commerce likes to charge ppl for random things.

Gotta leave for work, not looking forward to the snowy car I'm going to have to clean off.

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posted by Typette @ 7:41 AM  
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