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House Love
April 24, 2008
It's time to show our home some love.

Slowly but consistantly, we've been building clutter in our house. We have been at the point for some months now, where we don't have a place to put everything, so we just pile stuff up in 'Hot Spots' throughout the house.

These hot spots keep building and building to the point that both of us are just too scared to attempt to clean them or we start and feel unaccomplished when we can't finish, or it just keeps building the next day.

I went to my sanctuary (Barnes & Noble), and found a book to help. It's called Sink Reflections.
Living in CHAOS?
The FlyLady's Simple FLYing Lessons will show you how to get your home and your life in order --- and it all starts with shining your sink!

CHAOS - Can't Have Anyone Over Syndrome

I started reading this book, slowly but surely, and I've also visited the FlyLady's website at

I can't wait to get started on my ToDo's.

It took me about 3 days to get a 'Control Journal' together to organize some routines to keep the house in order once it gets out of the CHAOS mode.

We have a lot of little things, everywhere. We really do not have a place for them. Our entertainment center has become a storage area for everything. We are going to wind up throwing things out and donating them. It's going to be hard b/c some items hold sentimental value and others -- well they are just in GOOD condition, I just don't see a reason to get rid of them.

We'll see how it goes.

Our first steps are to organize and clean the entire house over.

We've heard comments of how people say our house is always so clean. That's because we go into crisis mode when we know people are coming over. But what happens when an unexpected guest comes over? Well, luckily we haven't run into that issue yet, so we are going to make sure we are ready for it!!! Plus, we have to sell our house. The house is in good condition, we just need to get it staged and looking good to potential buyers.

The FlyLady has some good tips for marathon cleaning, which is what I want to do.
15 mins in the kitchen, 15 minutes in the den, 15 minutes in the kitchen, 15 minutes to sit and relax...then move on to the next zone.

I recommend everyone get this book. We are not living in garbage, and yes there are lots of people who really need an extreme makeover in their homes, but if you're like us and just want some organization/routine and the ability to avoid crisis cleaning, buy the book and get online and join the FlyLady community.

I hope to post pics of before and afters, I will also post my initial Control Journal (which I know will build as I start to use it)
posted by Typette @ 8:53 AM  
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