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Story Time ...
May 9, 2008
(Blog Talkers #71)

What book is on your nightstand now? Tell us about it, post a blurb. If you're reading it, do you like it? If you haven't started, what are your expectations? Would you recommend it to a good friend? What type of stories do you like to read the most often? Why?

There are a few books on my nightstand right now, all of which I am reading :

I am 1/3rd the way through Songs of the Humpback Whale, 1/2 way through The Pact & 1/2 way through Every Sunday.

I am also listening to My Sister's Keeper - By: Jodi Picoult on Audio Book. I have 1 CD left to hear. It's great to have when stuck in my 1.25 hr commute to and from work.

I JUST finished Snowflower and the Secret Fan - By: Lisa See which was an AMAZING book. However, the entire time I was reading it, I thought it was a true story -- making it that much more interesting. Only to find out, while reading the Afterword that it was not a true story. Some of the things that happened were based on facts...but really --- not a true story about the specific characters. Oh POO! How disappointed I was.

I like to read books based on or about true stories. Jodi Picoult uses fictional characters and story lines, however you learn sooo much by reading her books. She researches so much about what she writes that you are always learning. You really feel EACH characters emotions and understand what's going on the entire time. I love her writing, which is why I am reading so many of her books.

The reason I read so many books at one time, is because when I read, I get really involved in the story. With the emotions and thoughts of the characters. If I come home from work one day, and I'm just frustrated, I would HATE to dive into a book that is about conflict, so I hop to one that isn't. If I don't have one around, I go out, and buy another. I am currently missing a laugh out loud book...if anyone has any suggestions, let me know!!!

I highly recommend 19 MINUTES & THE TENTH CIRCLE by Jodi Picoult.

Anyway -- I also enjoy reading books about science. Like, books that question WHY and actually give a finite answer.
posted by Typette @ 11:58 AM  
  • At May 10, 2008 at 7:40 PM, Blogger Sue said…

    I don't usually read more than 1 book at a time. But I currently have 2 started but I don't go back and forth too much.

    I recommend Ask Again Later by Jill A. Davis. I read it a few months ago and it was hysterical!

    I picked up a digital scrapbooking magazine today. Now I'm going to have to subscribe... :)

  • At May 14, 2008 at 12:02 PM, Blogger justme said…

    Have you read the plain truth? oh, so good. Anyway, due to your influence, I picked up Snow Flower and the Secret Fan. While I love the book, I am just getting over the visualization of footbinding. ugh. I am not very far into it. We should pick a book and read it at the same time. Anyway, I also got this book called Three Dog Night. About a woman who is dealing with the fact that her husband, who was vibrant and very alive, got in a car accident and lost all memory. He only can remember the present. haven't really started it yet. seemed heavy.

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