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July 4, 2008
Recently read Change of Heart by Jodi Picoult.

The beginning was pretty intense, as most of her books are. This one, however, was moreso b/c it was a bit gruesome for me. (if you haven't read it and plan to, do not read this entry or I may spoil it for you)...

After the first 70 pages or so, it was just rough... It was rough to read until about page 450.

It's not that reading it was hard, it was just a topic I didn't really want to deal with. Most of the book was based around a prisoner, in jail...on death row.
He was on death row for molesting and murdering a 7 year old girl and her father (a cop).

Obviously, as in all Jodi's books that I've read thusfar, there was a bit of a twist at the end....

I think just KNOWING there was a twist got me unnerved, b/c I just wanted to get to that part...but the book was SOOOO long.

Another focus in the book was religion. Christianty, Gnosticism... I had not known anything about The Gospel of Thomas until I read this book. D'oh.

That's all I can say -- yup -- D'oh!

I don't know what else to write about the book without writing a super long review of everything that was good and bad about the book. The storyline, the characters etc...

So I'll just move on.

The Tenth Circle -- I think that was the 2nd Jodi Picoult book I ever read. The first was 19 Minutes... I was SHOCKED that 2 books by the same author had such an impact on me. Usually, (in my experience at least) -- I read 1 good book by someone and the next by the same author just doesn't live up to it. Disappointing.

Having read The Tenth Circle -- I was SO EXCITED to see that it was being made into a Lifetime Original Movie. It came out on TV this past Saturday.

ARGH!!! Obviously, not everything was true to the book, but some parts of the movie were totally on point as to what I had 'envisioned' when I had read it. I don't like the changes that were in it though. Like, the ending was different. There wasn't as much about 'Alaska' as there was in the book. So Eck..

The thing I like the MOST about her books is that I'm always learning something...Something I never would've learned on my own. It's just amazing to read her stuff.

Anyway -- I'm taking a break for her books for now, and attempting to read 'The Prime of Miss Brodie' and 'The Pure Land'.

The first is very short...the 2nd -- looks good. Cultural books are always good.

Sue is reading an interesting book called Atlas Shrugged. Just looking at a book with 1192 pages makes me not want to read it. I have weak arms. However, I might pick it up on AudioBook for my long commutes to/from work. Sounds intriguing.
posted by Typette @ 11:08 PM  
  • At July 5, 2008 at 10:46 AM, Blogger Sue said…

    Yes, I HIGHLY recommend Atlas Shrugged. It is looooong, but it's worth it. I finally finished it yesterday. It took me about 2-2 1/2 weeks, which I think is pretty good for such a long book. The girls kept telling me I had "a couple pages left". Ha! I've been hearing that for over a week. :)

    I may have to check out Jodi Picoult - never read any of her books.

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