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Storm Damage
July 23, 2008
Of course -- out of all the condos, apartments and houses in our gigantic development,
we own the only unit that received damage from the storm.
Dolly... thanks a lot! *sarcasm*
Hopefully 'we' are not responsible for funding this fix!

Here's the video taken during our 'discovery'

Enjoy the photos! (click to see larger) .

Storm Damage 7.23.08

Different view.

Storm Damage 7.23.08

Pic of a tree outside our unit that broke and flew 15-20 feet.

Storm Damage 7.23.08

Seriously -- our Loft is just -- not lucky --

Remember the window issues?! Here's the before and after of the Loft window (and bed, I s'pose)


That window cost us a pretty penny. Damned white thingy just 'fell' down. It was in the middle of 2 parts of glass, so they couldn't repair it. (I think the window was 3.5 years old or so)... We had to get it fully replaced. AHHHH

P.S. : I know I have fallen behind on reading blogs -- and I have been tagged and yet to complete that... I'll get there I swear, someday. *sigh*
posted by Typette @ 9:07 PM  
  • At July 27, 2008 at 5:55 PM, Blogger Sue said…

    Yikes! That stinks. Bad timing with the wedding coming up too. Kind of like my car getting keyed where I used to work in Philly a couple months b4 our wedding. Keyed bad too - like $5,000 in damage, keyed down to bare metal, repaint the whole darn car kind of keyed.

    We didn't get that storm bad too bad - we got hit bad today - 1 1/2 to 2 hours worth of thunder, lightening and heavy rain. Thankfully the girls aren't scared of storms...yet...

    I hope it's not too expensive!

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