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It just feels weird...
January 27, 2007
Mike and his 2 friends left this morning for Maine. They are going to be in Maine for about a week on a ski trip.

I opted out on this trip, b/c I can't stand the cold, and with a high of 3 degrees in Maine, I don't think I'd have a good time, plus... I've only skiid a handful of times in my life.

I'm home with my dog for the weekend, then back to work on Monday and Tuesday.

I've been thinking, that being home alone for a week, will drive me CRAZY!...

So, I've decided to go on a destress vacation by myself. I am going to Savannah, Georgia on Wed and coming back Saturday night. I've never been on a vacation by myself...but I've always wanted to try it. had great prices, extremely affordable. Airfare, Hotel, Rental Car was all less than $450 for 4 days/3 nights. Truly amazing.

I plan to go to the river walk there and experience the nightlife and live music, Tybee Island and the lighthouse, all the art galleries, and a Day Spa on the day that I leave.

I'm excited, but really --- sooo nervous.

I already miss Mike so much, it just feels weird.

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posted by Typette @ 2:46 PM  
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