The diagnosis'
June 25, 2006
1. I have fibromyalgia. Better than what I thought I had (Rheumatoid Arthritis) since thats what I had as a kid (Juvenile RA). Fibromyalgia is brought on my traumatic events supposedly, emotional, physical etc... Anyway, Was told there is no cure but there is treatment. I've dealt with this my entire life, so no biggie as long as its not life threatening and I have no problem with my joints.
2. I saw a Pulmonologist today. The radiologist said that pulmonologists read CT Scans differently and maybe they might know what it is. The Pulm. told me he's not sure what it is exactly, but it may be Walking Pneumonia (which is less severe than regular Pneumonia which you are usually hospitalized for). The only symptoms I have is trouble breathing. (Which is just my bad asthma which I got 5 years ago due to 2nd hand smoke), but the doc wants to treat me with all these pneumonia meds anyway. He says to treat it as if it's that first, and then take another CT scan in 2 weeks and see if there is any change. B/C he doesn't want to go straight to a biopsy type thing right away. So basically we are trying to narrow it down. ARGH, in the meantime, this THING is continuously growing larger. He says probably 4-6 weeks for a DECENT diagnoses, so I shouldn't get upset now, there is nothing to do but wait. See what these meds will do for me, and if nothing, next step is the Bronchial Scope where they stick a camera down my throat and take a look at it that way. La dee dah.
So, basically...still don't know what it is, and you can't tell if it's a tumor just by looking at a CT Scan. Can't tell if it's benign or malignant either. JOY!Labels: fibromyalgia, health, lungs |
posted by Typette @ 7:45 PM |
what the heck is it...
June 23, 2006
Had my 3rd CT Scan today, of my chest. With and without contrast (iodine injection). The injection was weird, it makes you feel all warm and gives you a major hot flash for a little while. And it feels like you peed in your pants, when really you didn't. The feeling goes away after a few seconds. But it was weird as hell..
The results got back to my doctors office after about 2 hours, b/c there was an abnormality (per previous CT Scans)...
Well, the mass is still there and they don't know what it is... STILL..
I see a pulmonologist now on Tuesday... argh.Labels: health, lungs |
posted by Typette @ 7:23 PM |
a little freaked out...
June 22, 2006

A few weeks ago i began having this pain in my Left Abdomen, behind my ribs (or so it felt). So i went to my doctor who had me get a CT Scan (AKA CAT Scan) of my abdomen and pelvis (just in case).
Unfortunately the CT scan was unable to determine the reasoning for the pain I was having on the left side, however it found some other 'problems' that I had no idea were present.
It found a 5.5cm sized density on the RIGHT lung (the lower lobe RLL). 5.5cm's to me is pretty friggen huge. Esepcially it being a random 'density'. Also, the CT found a 1.5 cm sized density near my ovaries. I had no pain there, so what the heck are these things?
I've had ultrasounds in the past because I get ovarian cysts, so I hope that the 1.5cm one they found is just that. And when it finally bursts, I'll be in extreme pain but it will be temporary and I can deal with that.
I'm really concerned about the mass on my lung. My mind has been going crazy thinking of the possibilities. What could it be? Lung Cancer? Maybe just a random tumor that is benign? (i hope)They also found a fluid filled sac in my right lung (middle lobe RML). I'm guessing that is some kind of bronchial issue. Like Bronchitis or something like that. I've had a cough, not very frequent but it is there and hasn't gone away.
I grew up in a house where my parents smoked excessively my entire life. I moved away to college and was okay, but when I came back from college, i couldn't handle the smoke. I had gotten asthma and had been hospitalized for it b/c I was allergic to the smoke. My family continued to smoke in the house despite the affects it was having on me and my younger sister.
They eventually, after MASSIVE amounts of arguments and another trip to the hospital with worse results than previous, decided to keep the smoke contained to one room in the house.
Unfortunalely, 25+ years of smoking in a house leaves its mark, and is almost impossible to get rid of. The furniture, carpets, and even our DOGS smell like smoke. When my mom walks past me, i smell it and it literally makes me cough and choke. It takes my breath away...literally.
This could be the reason for the mass on my lung. In a worst case scenario, that is my conclusion. Lung Cancer due to second-hand smoke. GRRRRRREAT.
I've read online that only 10% of the people who have surgery done to remove the tumor live their lives more than 5 years cancer free and live to be old. The other 90% do not survive for long.
Tomorrow I go for a CT scan of my chest and an ultrasound of the abdomen to see what that other mass is.
I won't find out the results until the middle of next week. I'm not looking forward to waiting.
I got the original CT scans done early last week, and had to wait to hear the results while I was on vacation. Not making my temper very good.
I hope everything is going to be okay... I'm just really nervous and I still don't know what is causing the pain on my LEFT side. All the organs on that side seem to be fine... ughLabels: health, lungs |
posted by Typette @ 6:24 PM |
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