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October 22, 2006
Last wednesday I had a bronchoscopy. It was not a very fun experience. It was definitely something I don't want to ever go through again. I was sedated, but not put completely under, so I got to 'experience' everything UGH. They flushed out an infiltrate in my lower right lung. The doctors also took a piece of lung tissue to do a biopsy on, while they were in there.

Was a little woozy after the procedure, but no complications YAY

I have to wait a few weeks (i'm assuming) for the results.
They are testing for traces of cancer (lymphoma) and Tuberculosis (TB) and the TB test can take up to 6 weeks to get back. I'm not sure what else they are testing for.

I have to get a bone marrow biopsy done. I'm not looking forward to it, especially since everyone I talk to who has experience it or has known someone who has experienced it has told me that it's extremely painful. I figured as much, but having validation is really freaking me out. I'm having major anxiety now!!

They have to stick a needle through your bone and all they do is numb the outer skin!! AHHHH!!!

okay...well that's my med update.

Watching America's Next Top Model now...peace.

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posted by Typette @ 9:49 PM   0 comments
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