Last night Renee and I worked on a poster that she needed to complete for work. They were having a contest to see who made the best one for the Giants going to the superbowl.
Dude, it took her and I 3 hours to complete this poster.
(kinda blurry, taken with cam phone)
It has glitter and shiat.
The green background is a football field , lined and all.
Then the bottom it says SUPER BOWL XLII (hard to see 'super bowl')
Then the helmet is 3D (really all we did was make a cardboard spring to project it out from the poster)...
I made the helmet which alone took me 3 hours while Renee worked on the entire background. The helmet is made out of different colors of posterboard.
We were so tired b/c we did this right after we went to the gym and out to dinner. We didn't finish until around 11p or 12a. But, I have to admit, it's been a long time since I've done anything crafty (besides makeup LOL)...and it was fun.
Besides -- she wound up winning 1st place. Good effort, sis!
I started wearing a loop recorder for my heart about a week ago.
I am wearing it b/c I started getting palpitations about a month ago that became more and more frequent. Docs think it's either b/c of anemia (b/c I changed my diet to vegetarian) or could be hormones or could be any other number of things.
I don't get pain when I have the palps. but I can't breathe when they happen...and it's just kinda annoying.
I wear the recorder with electodes under my right collar bone and one under my left breast.
They are wired to a looping recorder that constantly records 1 minute and then re-records over it...
When I have a palpitation I push a button on the recorder so that it records 1 minute before pushing the button and 40 seconds after. After recording, I call a number and transmit the reading through the phone. It's strange... somehow it sends an EKG through the phone that can be read on the other end...
Interesante...really it is.
Anyway, this is similar to the Holter Monitor which is worn for 24 hours, but Holter Monitors are good for people who have their symptoms daily so that it is almost guaranteed that they will be able to record their symptoms within the 24 hour timeframe... The benefit to the Looping monitor that I wear, is that since I do not have my symptoms everyday, I can wear it for longer than 24 hours, upping my chances of being able to catch and record my symptoms when they happen.
The downside to the Looping recorder is that I have to wear it for 30 days, and I am allergic to the electrode pads sticky stuff. They supplied me with hypoallergenic ones as well, but I am also allergic to those.
They are shipping me out some pediatric pads so I can try them out... It's soo itchy and painful. I get welts after taking the pads off, and they get itchy and start to blister. Above is a picture of one of the welts that has reduced significantly (is no longer raised) and it's funny, b/c it looks like a smiley face.
Went to the container store, bought a friggen truck load of stuff (literally) and brought it home.
Now the house is a mess... - I decided to clean out my closet and drawers to reorganize all my clothes. There was a point in my life where everything in my closet would hang in order of color and the hangers were evenly spaced. I wasn't always like that, but I'd like to get back there. Life was so much easier with that kind of organization. Right now I have piles (no joke) of clothes on the floor that include seasonal, donation, sell, trash, PJs, undies... My plan is to wash EVERYTHING, regardless of the fact that they are already clean... and then refold and hang everything. We bought some HUGE see-through storage bins so I can store big items and rarely worn items. So hopefully, I can manage those.
- We bought some kitchen cabinet/closet organizers that help us to utilize more vertical space, since that always seems to go to waste.
- We are redecorating the loft. Before we used to have Mike's desk and a bed in the loft. Also I had a card table as my desk, since I couldn't seem to fit anything else. The loft is big but since Mike's desk was so big, we had to design around the desk which meant leaving the desk in the middle of the room and the bed in an odd place in order for me to have a small wall to keep my desk. I will post the many designs we've had in the loft in pictures after all is said and done.
- We have decided on a final plan for the loft that includes a portion of the room, soley for the bed which will be seperated by sheer curtains. Then we are going to buy 2 of the same exact L shaped desks and place them on either side of the remaining portion of the room. Centered on the wall in front of the desks will be a TV and entertainment center. Between the 2 desks (in front of the bed) will be a sitting area (hopefully).
- We also recently bought a 40" Sony Bravia LCD TV for the den downstairs. It was one expense we splurged on. We have not bought a tv since we met and my TV is almost 6 years old and it's dying. It's sad how short lived they are.
Anyway - with all this organizing going on, I've finally decided to roll it over to wedding planning. I really need to get on the ball since there's really little relaxing time left. 9 months and counting...
We at least booked the honeymoon. We will be going to Tahiti, Moorea & Bora Bora for 10 days. WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! Something to look forward to--- destressing on the islands in solitude. *happy sigh*
This is a video of my cousin, Chris, at my mom's house. He was sitting on the couch watching Mike play Guitar Hero III on the Wii, when Yoshii(black dog) jumped up on him for some lovin'... followed by Chip (big brown dog)... followed by Kiko (light tan dog)
He must have a way about him...
The video isn't the greatest quality due to poor lighting, but the video is still hysterical.