I am not yet a mother, else I'm sure I'd be posting about 100 photos of my own kid, but since I'm not, I'm posting the next best thing. My niece. Love her to death, she is sooo much fun.
Recently just got back from 10 days in Hawaii - was visiting for a family reunion. My niece (Jacqueline) is staying for an extra week with her grandmother. LUCKY GIRL!
Here are some of my fav pics of her that we took while on the trip.

Jacqui's first day in Oahu. Trying out the 'hang ten/hang loose' sign and sporting a backwards hat.

My hubby, Mike, and Jacqui looking like a King & Princess. Their expressions crack me up!! So regal!

Jacqui's first time at the beach and lovin' it!
Kaeli, Jacqui & Abby. After a long day on the beach, where we had our family reunion picnic.
 We Made It!!! We had to wake up at 2:30am to drive to the top of Mt. Haleakala to watch the sunrise at 5:57am. We must've looked nuts bringing her there, she was the only one under 25 years old there that early.

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