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Too Much Tupperware...
March 29, 2009

as my niece would say ...
"For Reals, Yo"

Today we got rid of half of the tupperware stock. Some of it belongs to my mom (Thanks Mom, for all the meals you shared with Mike!), and some of it has missing lids. Where'd they go? -- no clue. And then we have random lids with no containers to attach to. How does that happen? WEIRD!

Tupperware is the worst thing to have a bulk of when you are trying to organize cabinet space. Tonight we labeled the sets. Each type of lid goes to a specific type of container. And now they are number coordinated so it will make finding lids a lot easier than before. If we ever come across a container or lid without a number -- we know it's either not ours, or one of the mysteriously missing ones.
posted by Typette @ 9:46 PM   2 comments
any ideas?
March 26, 2009
This is a rendering i did in 'MS Paint' of a tat I always wanted.
It's another small one.

Anyone have an idea of what it is??

posted by Typette @ 12:14 AM   2 comments
March 25, 2009
Yeah, some of you might know and some not until now...that I have 2.5 tattoos. They are all very small.

- a small red heart on my chest- I got it when I turned 18. I was in HS, and my boyfriend at the time went with me. It was just a small red heart. I got it redone about 7 months later b/c it was a little crooked and they redid it with a black outline and some white to highlight the heart.

- the earth tattoo on my arm - I got this one by accident. This is the .5 of the 2.5 tattoos I have. I don't think it really counts, but hell, it's a permanent ink mark. This happened at the first sitting for my heart tattoo. I don't know how seeing as the only color in the tattoo at the time was red. Anyway, i got hit with a needle on my arm. Now i have a dot. Over the years (10 that is) it has spread a little. The world is growing. What can I say

- family crest - my family crest is 'pretty'. It's like a flower. I have this tattooed onto the inner side of my ankle. The side of my achilles heal actually. My younger sis got the same one in the same spot and my older sis got it incorporated into a bigger tattoo.

So, I've been wanting to get another one. The tattos I have are all smaller than the size of a quarter. I don't like being showy, which is why the ones I have are in spots that aren't right out there for all to see. I like tattoos that mean something to me. Else, I don't know why else to get one.

I want to get one on the inside of my wrist. It will either be music related or related to my ethnicity. I want to get a white one. I love the effect of the white tattoos, and I like how discreet they can be.

Check out some white tattoos here : Flickr White Tattoo Group

Love them... LOVE THEM!!

Okay -- so just thought I would share. I will add photos of the tattoos I have shortly!
posted by Typette @ 9:27 PM   0 comments
Photo Site...coming soon.
I have a lot of pics I really like... so, I'm going to create a site where I can keep them all, as opposed to my Flickr Site which has over 3,000 pics on it.

Mike also got some free website creating software. Even though I know how to make my own, I decided it's free and offers up 2,000 professional templates...why not. I will fiddle with it and see if I can come up with anything decent. For some reason, these website-in-a-box things seem a lot harder to me than starting from scratch.

Here is the logo I made while doing some other 'design' work ;-)

posted by Typette @ 9:23 PM   0 comments
icky icky sicky sicky...
March 24, 2009
Been sick for a little over a week now. It's sucky. Dunno what's going on.

Oh well -- seems everyone else is sick with a similar thing. Fever, stomach issues etc...

Anyway.. I start my new job (Pet Sitter Extraordinaire!!) on Thursday. WOO!

Hopefully my belly cooperates with me.
posted by Typette @ 6:03 PM   0 comments
Photo Hunt : Yellow
March 22, 2009
This weeks theme is Yellow
I took this photo on a trip to Longwood Gardens.
It was when we first got our camera. Not too shabby for a Point & Shoot.


Join the Hunt

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posted by Typette @ 1:08 AM   1 comments
This is a great site for those who like to read!!

Flashlight Worthy Books

I need to get back into reading. I have SOOO much more time on my hands now!!! I've read a few books these past 3 weeks! I feel accomplished. They weren't thought provoking, just silly. Bought them in the bargain bin --

posted by Typette @ 1:00 AM   0 comments
PhotoHunt : FOUR
March 20, 2009
This weeks theme is FOUR.
So here are FOUR beautiful heads of hair. ;-)

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posted by Typette @ 1:33 AM   1 comments
PhotoHunters -- gonna do it again!
Yeah,I'm gonna do it again. I take photos - but usually without purpose. Just 'cause. Photo Hunters gives me something to 'achieve'.. a goal. So, I will be participating weekly in the themes for 2009

This weeks theme is FOUR -- I will search my current archive of photos for something relating...else, tomorrow I am out to find somethin'.

Anyone else up for the challenge?
1 photo a week, that's all it takes!
posted by Typette @ 1:26 AM   0 comments
It's almost here. And I can't WAIT!!!
It's tomorrow, right?!

This is a pic I took 2 days ago while walking Peeps around our development. There's a path that runs along the lake and I had never walked it in the years that I've lived here. It's awesome. PEACE.

posted by Typette @ 12:14 AM   0 comments
March 16, 2009

posted by Typette @ 12:40 AM   0 comments
I wish I could do ballet as good as these kids...

posted by Typette @ 12:29 AM   0 comments
Wedding Video!!
March 14, 2009
Yay!!! We got our video last week...

We are getting the raw footage, along with 30 minute movie type and 5 minute highlight so I can post it online for people to see.

They used 8mm film in some of it for the old style look.

Our Photographer/Videographer was Life Mosaic Studios... they are amazing.
I highly recommend.

Here is the highlight video from the wedding.

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posted by Typette @ 10:35 AM   1 comments
Llama Llama Ding Dong
March 9, 2009

I don't know why it is, but every animal reminds me of Peeps. Llama's - Goats, you name it.

(except cats)

Love it.

posted by Typette @ 11:39 PM   0 comments
March 7, 2009
This is my first post via 'ScribeFire', it's an add-on for Firefox where I can create or modify my blog without having to go to I can go to my website, click ADD Image or Add Video etc, and select the blog entry I want to edit directly from my website ...

Let's see if this actually posts. The first time I tried, I got a lot of random jibberish to appear.

posted by Typette @ 2:27 PM   1 comments
March 6, 2009
A few weeks ago, I gave my notice at my job. A job I was working at for about 6.5 years.

It was the first 'real' job I had ever had. I gone to school to study computer programming after a short stint of studying music therapy, only to wind up in the field of wireless telecom 6 months after graduating.

I've had other jobs when I was a kid. Retail and whatnot.

I have to say, this last job of mine, was the best job I've ever had. Or at least it was for a good 4 years or so. The interview itself is what really started everything. A boss who hired people for not only their skill-sets but also their personality. His goal, to form a 'team'. It was a great team.

As the years went on, the company grew larger and larger and more corporate. And what good can come out of working for a large corporation? Erm...I can't figure that one out.

As the company grew, our team shrunk... My job responsibilities changed. I started out as an admin. I loved it. It didn't utilize my skills of programming and music, but I didn't care. I liked what I did even at the most mundane of times. I liked that I wasn't in the field of 'programming' b/c that is really a one-man-show. You sit at your computer all day. No real socialization... you work for-da-man. That's sort of how my role at the company turned out. I didn't do hard-core programming, but I worked with data. No more admin. No more people interaction besides with a couple of my coworkers. I really hated it. No matter how many times I told my boss that, he would just tell me he doesn't want me taking a step-backward and doing that stuff. But I wanted to take a step-backward. Eventually I knew saying anything, wasn't going to get anywhere, so I said less and less as time went on. I understood where my boss was coming from and knew I could help our team out in a different I did.

I had been questioning whether or not I wanted to stay with the company for about 2 years. The hubby and I had many discussions about what is the right thing to do. I never came to the conclusion that I would just leave, we needed to have something else lined up. I went on interviews, was willing to take a paycut... but alas, I realized that even though I didn't love my job, I would probably hate my job somewhere else. So, I stayed on the terms that, if my boss ever left the company, then I would to. And left it at that.

Long story short -- things just got worse and wors3. Shifts in management, a lot of stabbing in the back ... and other personal things outside of work led to my decision to leave even without another job lined up. I was a point of realization that things would probably not get better anytime soon, and was I really ready to live the next year or so being completely miserable in my job? A job that I had to commute a total of 3 hours a day to? A job that recently had required me to work 10+ hours some nights? -- NO.

Cliche : Life is short.

I plan to enjoy every moment.

With that said. My plan was to take a month or so off while looking for another job. Just take it easy and work on the house. However, I had wound up setting up a few interviews before I had left the company. I was looking for something part-time. 20hrs a week at MOST. 1 interview was for a company about 2 miles away from where I live. The hours - 8:30 to 12:30, the pay... a little more than 1/2 of what I made at the last company. It wasn't a lot of money, but it was still money. I'd still have time for 'life'. Another interview was for something less stable. I'd always have a job, but the hours were random, but the pay was really good. I'd be working with animals too. My Love!

So, after 2 interviews with company #1, hubsy and I talked it over, and I'm NOT taking it. The company is super small, they are all techs that work there, I'd have no socialization (customer service interaction) at all. I didn't want to take a job for the money. But the job seemed almost TOO good to be true. I mean really. Less than a 5 minute commute?! I said NO. Instead, I will be working with animals. With the flexibility this job will be giving me, I will also be able to work on a startup business that a friend and I have been doing lately. It's a fun, hobby type job with the potential to make some decent $$$. I look forward to working on it everyday.

With that said -- I have to admit, it's still weird to me. I don't feel 'weird' that I'm not going into work at the old company. I feel like I left that job a long time ago. As horrible as that sounds. What feels weird is that even though I've had a week off, I haven't gotten much done around the house. I've felt very un-productive, but I guess that's okay. I'm catching up on 'chill-time'.

I miss a few of the ladies I worked with at my old company though. I haven't really kept in touch so far, but I think -- it's just 'cause I feel like I've only been away for a day.
posted by Typette @ 9:17 AM   4 comments
hang on.
March 5, 2009
posted by Typette @ 9:31 PM   1 comments
Sleep walking dog...
I know I shouldn't laugh, but I just couldn't help it!.

posted by Typette @ 6:08 PM   1 comments
There are no words.
posted by Typette @ 3:35 PM   0 comments
my hero.
posted by Typette @ 12:45 PM   0 comments
Love You
March 1, 2009

Originally uploaded by olivetahoe
I wouldn't have felt productive if I couldn't at least squeeze one more page in. I DID finish this before 12am today... so i hope it counts. To me it does.

Everyone went home. The house is quiet. I am tired physically and my brain is fried. I think I was over stimulated today. haha...and I guess 4 cans of coca-cola would've had something to do with it too.

I'm off to bed...
posted by Typette @ 12:30 AM   1 comments
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